
Yasushi YAMAGUCHI / 山口恭史, AKA Judy Totoya

Other video game related works
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Gallery Part 5

Games (in alphabetical order)

Advanced Daisenryaku: Deutsch Dengeki Sakusen / アドバンスド大戦略 ドイツ電撃作戦 (Mega Drive - 1991)
"Land unit design, map editer" (Source: in-game credits)

Angel Senki / エンジェル戦記 (PS3 - 2009)
Character illustration: Pandora (Source: mentioned in a news published by Famitsu)

Bomber Raid / ボンバーレイド (Mark III - 1989)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by a former colleague on Twitter)

Chouon Senshi Borgman / 超音戦士ボーグマン, AKA Cyborg Hunter (Mark III - 1988)
Graphic design: enemies (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Fushigi no Umi no Nadia: Inherit the Blue Water / ふしぎの海のナディア ~Inherit the Blue Water~ (PS2 - 2005, Windows - 2006)
Cover art x3: standard and collector editions for the PS2 version, + a third cover art for the PC version (Source: credited on the cover)

Fushigi no Umi no Nadia: Dennō Battle - Miss Nautilus Contest / ふしぎの海のナディア ~電脳バトル ミス・ノーチラス コンテスト~ (PS2 - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the cover)

G Sonic / Gソニック, AKA Sonic Blast (Game Gear - 1996)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Galaxy Force (Master System - 1989)
Graphic design: background of Stage 1 (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

GunValkyrie / ガンヴァルキリー (Xbox - 2002)
Illustration (Source: in-game credits)

Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 / 花組対戦コラムス2 (Dreamcast - 2000)
Cover art (Source: credited on the back cover)

Hokuto no Ken: Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu / 北斗の拳 新世紀末救世主伝説, AKA Last Battle (Mega Drive - 1989)
Special Designer (Source: in-game credits)

Kid Chameleon, AKA Chameleon Kid / カメレオンキッド (Mega Drive - 1992)
Art (Source: in-game credits)

Magic Knight Rayearth / 魔法騎士 レイアース (Saturn - 1995)
Art director / main designer (Source: in-game credits, mentioned in an interview with the game director, Rieko Kodama)

Militärische Mädchen, AKA MiliHime Taisen / ミリ姫大戦 (Browser game - 2015)
Character illustrations (Source: mentioned in a news published by Famitsu)

Mugen Kōro: Infinite Space / 無限航路 (DS - 2009)
Spaceship Designer (with other people) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Phantasy Star II / ファンタシースターII (Mega Drive - 1989)
Mechanical Design (Source: in-game credits, confirmed by the artist on Twitter)

Sakura Taisen Teigeki Graph / サクラ大戦 帝撃グラフ (Saturn - 1998)
Promotional illustration (Source: in-game credits, credited on the ad)

Selaine / セイレーン (PC-88, PC-98 - 1987)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi / シャドーダンサー ザ・シークレット・オブ・シノビ (Mega Drive - 1990)
Test player (Source: in-game credits)

Shadowgate 64: The Trials of the Four Towers / シャドウゲート64 (Nintendo 64 - 1999)
(Source: in-game credits)

Sonic Drift / ソニックドリフト(Game Gear - 1994)
Cover art, back cover: line art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Manual illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ2 (Mega Drive - 1992)
Character design (Tails, Sonic redesign, Super Sonic, Mecha Sonic) (Source: mentioned by a former colleague in an interview and mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.early Tails design)
Manual illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Chief artist (= art director) (Source: in-game credits)
Graphic design:
_Title screen (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
_Early title screen (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
_Sonic, Tails, bosses (Source: mentioned by a former colleague in an interview)
_"most of the character sprites, except for a few enemies" (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter. Early Tails sprite)
_levels: Casino Night, Metropolis (background only), Oil Ocean (background only)(Source: mentioned by a former colleague in an interview)
_level: Chemical Plant (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Sonic the Hedgehog CD / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグCD (Mega-CD - 1993)
Graphic design:
__special stages, "Scroll design" (Source: in-game credits)
__part of the ending (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Hidden in-game illustration (Source: credited on the artwork)

Sonic the Hedgehog CD / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグCD (PC - 1996)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Sonic & Knuckles Collection / ソニック&ナックルズ コレクション (PC - 1997)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Sorcerian / ソーサリアン (Mega Drive - 1990)
Scenario (Source: in-game credits)
Graphic design: unused portraits (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Manual illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)

Super Thunder Blade / スーパーサンダーブレード (Mega Drive - 1988)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Manual (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Twinbee Portable / ツインビーポータブル (PSP 2007)
Design Unit (with other people) (Source: in-game credits)

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (Master System - 1990)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Wachenröder / バッケンローダー (Saturn - 1998)
Character design (Source: credited in the manual)

Other video game related works

Phantasy Star Collection / ファンタシースターコレクション (book - 1993)
illustration (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Sakura Taisen 3 ~ Pari wa moete iru ka ~ Desktop Accessories / サクラ大戦3 ~巴里は燃えているか~ デスクトップアクセサリーズ (Windows - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen V: Saraba, Itoshiki Hito yo Memory Card 8MB / サクラ大戦V ~さらば愛しき人よ~ Memory Card 8MB (PS2 - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen 2004 calendar / サクラ大戦 2004年カレンダー
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen - Ai Yueni / サクラ大戦 愛ゆえに (Drama)
Poster illustration (Source: credited on the poster)

Sakura Taisen - Aizō-hin mokuroku Dai sei Roman-dō o Riyō no Tebiki / サクラ大戦 愛蔵品目録 太正浪漫堂 御利用之手引 (book - 2004)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Christmas Paris / Tenshi no Hitomi / サクラ大戦 クリスマス巴里/天使の瞳 (Music album - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-shi-ki Drama CD Series Original Soundtrack / サクラ大戦第四期ドラマCDシリーズ - オリジナルサウンドトラック (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-shi-ki Drama CD Series Uta no Album Teito-hen - Paris-Hen (Vocal shū) / サクラ大戦第四期ドラマCDシリーズ 歌のアルバム 帝都編・巴里編(ヴォーカル集) (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-shi-ki Drama CD Series Vol.1 (Paris-Hen) Montparnasse no Yoru / サクラ大戦第四期ドラマCDシリーズVol .1(巴里編) モンパルナスの夜 (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-shi-ki Drama CD Series Vol.2 (Teito-Hen) Kaijin Nezumi Danshaku / サクラ大戦第四期ドラマCDシリーズVol .2(帝都編) 怪人ねずみ男爵 (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-shi-ki Drama CD Series Vol.3 (Paris-Hen) Champs Elysées no kaijin? ! / サクラ大戦第四期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.3(巴里編) シャンゼリゼの怪人?! (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-shi-ki Drama CD Series Vol.4 (Teito-Hen) Sumire Rhapsody ~ Kanzaki Sumire Intai Kōen ~ / サクラ大戦第四期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.4(帝都編) すみれラプソディ~神崎すみれ引退公演~ (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-Go-ki Drama CD Series Vol.1 Live at Chat Noir - Jan Hanchō no Yūgana Tsuitachi / サクラ大戦第五期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.1 ライブ at シャノワール ~ジャン班長の優雅な一日~ (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-Go-ki Drama CD Series Vol.2 Paris no Christmas / サクラ大戦第五期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.2 - 巴里のクリスマス (Drama - 2002)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-Go-ki Drama CD Series Vol.3 Aa, mujō (Les Miserables) [Zenpen] / サクラ大戦第五期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.3 ~あぁ、無情(レ・ミゼラブル)~【前編】 (Drama CD - 2003)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-Go-ki Drama CD Series Vol.4 Aa, mujō (Les Miserables) [Kōhen] / サクラ大戦第五期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.4 ~あぁ、無情(レ・ミゼラブル)~【後編】 (Drama CD - 2003)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-Go-ki Drama CD Series - Teito Review - Vocal & Soundtrack Shū / サクラ大戦第五期ドラマCDシリーズ - 帝都レビュウ(ヴォーカル&サントラ集) (Drama CD - 2003)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-6-ki Drama CD Series Vol.1 Paris-Hen - Shissō! Team Chat Noir / サクラ大戦 第6期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.1 巴里編 ~疾走!チームシャノワール~ (Drama CD - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-6-ki Drama CD Series Vol.2 Teito-hen - Hana to Arashi to Teito no Roman! / サクラ大戦 第6期ドラマCDシリーズ Vol.2 帝都編 ~花と嵐と帝都の浪漫!~ (Drama CD - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-6-ki Drama CD Series Vol.3 Nyūyōku-hen - Over the Rainbow Sunshine / サクラ大戦 第6期ドラマCDシリーズ - Vol.3 紐育編 ~オーバー・ザ・レインボー・サンシャイン~ (Drama CD - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Dai-6-ki Drama CD Series - Vocal & Soundtrack Shū / サクラ大戦第6期ドラマCDシリーズ ヴォーカル&サウンドトラック集 (Drama CD - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Denmaku Club 2 / サクラ 大戦 電 幕 倶楽部 2 (Windows - 2000)
Illustrations (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Digital Data Shū - Taisho Jūni Nendo Dennō Kiroku Nenkan / サクラ大戦デジタルデータ集 太正十二年度 電脳記録年鑑 (Windows - 1997, Mac - 1998)
Cover art (Source: credited in a paper ad)
Poster illustration (Source: credited on the poster)

Sakura Taisen Drama CD Zenshū / サクラ大戦 ドラマCD全集 (Drama - 2004)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Kayō Show Memorial Songs / サクラ大戦歌謡ショウ メモリアルソングス (Music album - 2006)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Monogatari Memory Card 8MB / サクラ大戦物語 ~ミステリアス巴里~ (PS2 - 2004)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Premium Quo Collection / サクラ大戦 プレミアムQUOコレクション サクラ大戦 (2004)
Card illustrations (Source: credited on the official website: 1, 2)

Sakura Taisen Super Kayōzenshū IV `Shin Aoi Tori' / サクラ大戦 スーパー歌謡全集IV「新・青い鳥」 (Music album - 2005)
Cover art (Source: credited on the official website)

Sakura Taisen Taisho Roman Club telephone card / サクラ大戦 太正浪漫倶楽部テレホンカード (2004)
Illustrations (Source: credited on the official website: 1, 2)

Sakura Wars Serenade, AKA Sakura Taisen no Renjō / サクラ大戦の恋情 (doujinshi - 2021)
Cover art (Source: credited in the book)

Sonic the Hedgehog: The Screen Saver / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ・ザ・スクリーンセーバー (PC - 1996)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Sorcerian Mega Drive Version Original Sound Track / ソーサリアン メガドライブバージョン オリジナルサウンドトラック (OST - 2008)
Booklet illustration (Source: mentioned by Yosuke Okunari on Twitter)

SPEC (newsletter)
Illustrations (Shadow Dancer, Strider Hiryu), comics (Phantasy Star: Outside Saga, a sequel to the first Phantasy Star) (Source: credited in each issue)

Other video game related works
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Gallery Part 5

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