Taku MAKINO / 牧野卓

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Other video game related works
To be confirmed
Other works
Gallery Part 1: games 1
Gallery Part 2: games 2
Gallery Part 3: non-video game related works
Gallery Part 4: “to be confirmed” section

Website (old)

Related companies:

Games (in alphabetical order)

Ai Sareruyori Ai Shitai: The House of the Dead EX / 愛されるより愛シタイ ~THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD EX~ (Arcade – 2008)
Character design (Source: mentioned by the artist on his blog)

Binary Domain / バイナリー ドメイン (PS3, Xbox 360, Windows – 2012)
Concept Art (Source: in-game credits)

Chain Chronicle / チェインクロニクル (iOS, Android – 2013)
2D Designer (Source: in-game credits)

Cyber Police ESWAT / サイバーポリスESWAT (Arcade – 1989)
Graphic design (gorilla) (Source: mentioned by Roppyaku Tsurumi in an interview)
Model figures / diorama (Source: mentioned by Makino on his blog and by his colleague Masato Nishimura on Twitter)
.Note: You could win 3 of the figurines made by Makino in a contest held in 1989. (Source: Gamest #40 – January 1990)

Die Hard Arcade, AKA Dynamite Deka / ダイナマイト刑事 (Arcade – 1996, Saturn – 1997)
Player Model Artist (Source: in-game credits)
Cover art for the Japanese version

Dororo / どろろ / Blood will Tell (PS2 – 2004)
“Special artist” (Source: in-game credits)

Dynamite Baseball / ダイナマイトベースボール (Arcade – 1996)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)

Dynamite Baseball ’97 / ダイナマイトベースボール97 (Arcade – 1997)
3D Modeling (Source: in-game credits)

Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder / ゴールデンアックス デスアダーの復讐 (Arcade – 1992)
Flyer illustration (Source: signature found on the artwork)
Graphic design, Character illustrations

Golden Axe The Duel / ゴールデンアックス ザ デュエル (Arcade, Saturn – 1995)
Flyer illustration / Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: signature found on the artwork)
Graphic design (as S. Makino)
.Note: Makino is described as “Golden Axe The Duel” designer on one of Sega’s website.

Holosseum / ホロシアム (Arcade – 1992)
(Source: mentioned by Makino on his blog)

Jūōki: Project Altered Beast / 獣王記 Project Altered Beast (PS2 – 2005)
Artist (Source: in-game credits)

Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker / マイケルジャクソンズ ムーンウォーカー (Arcade – 1990)
Graphic design (Bubbles, mecha, enemies, MJ’s dance animation) (Sources: mentioned by Roppyaku Tsurumi in an interview and on their blog)
Illustrations (Source: confirmed by the artist, via Roppyaku Tsurumi)

Outrunners / アウトランナーズ (Arcade – 1993)
Designer (Source: hidden in-game credits)

Sangokushi Taisen / 三国志大戦 (Arcade – 2005)
Card illustrations x3 (Source: credited on each card)

Sangokushi Taisen 2 / 三国志大戦2 (Arcade – 2006)
Card illustrations x5 (Source: credited on each card)

Sangokushi Taisen 3 / 三国志大戦3 (Arcade – 2007)
Card illustrations x6 (Source: credited on each card)

Sangokushi Taisen M / 三国志大戦M (Mobile – 2019)
Card illustration(s) (Source: credited on each card)

Sega GT 2002 (Xbox – 2002)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)

Sengoku Taisen / 戦国大戦 (Arcade – 2010)
Card illustrations x2 (Source: credited on each card, interview with Makino)

Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi / シャドーダンサー ザ・シークレット・オブ・シノビ (Arcade – 1989)
– (Source: mentioned by his colleague Masato Nishimura on Twitter)
Flyer illustrations

Ski Champ / スキーチャンプ (Arcade – 1998)
Designer (Source: in-game credits)

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing / ソニック&セガオールスターズ レーシング (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, Windows – 2010)
(Source: in-game credits)

Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed / ソニック&オールスターレーシング トランスフォームド (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PS Vita – 2012, 3DS, Windows – 2013)
(Source: in-game credits)

Sonic the Hedgehog / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ (Mega Drive – 1991)
Model figures (Source: mentioned by Naoto Ohshima on Twitter: 1, 2, and in 2 interviews: 1, 2)

Spiderman the Videogame / スパイダーマン (Arcade – 1991)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned by Makino on his blog)

Sports Jam / スポーツ・ジャム (Arcade – 2000)
Design Section (Source: in-game credits)

Super Major League 99 / スーパーメジャーリーグ99, AKA World Series 99 (Arcade – 1999)
Model & graphic designer (Source: in-game credits)

Tetris / テトリス (Arcade – 1988)
Graphic design (monkey) (Source: mentioned by Makino on his blog and by Roppyaku Tsurumi in an interview)

The Super Shinobi II / ザ・スーパー忍II, AKA Shinobi III (Mega Drive – 1993)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by his colleague Masato Nishimura on Twitter)

The World of Three Kingdoms / ザ ワールド オブ スリーキングダムズ (Arcade – 2014)
Main visual (Source: confirmed by Makino on Facebook)
.Note: already used during the 2013 location test

Virtua Fighter Remix / バーチャファイターリミックス (Arcade, Saturn – 1995)
“helped a bit” (Source: mentioned on Facebook)

Zombie Revenge / ゾンビ・リベンジ (Arcade – 1999)
Chief Designer, Motion Designer (Source: in-game credits)

Zombie Revenge / ゾンビ・リベンジ (Dreamcast – 1999)
Model figures (Sources: Zombie Revenge Perfect Guide; mentioned by Makino on his blog: 1, 2)

Other video game related works

Sega’s 1993 New Year cards
Illustrations x2 (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Golden Axe The Music / ゴールデンアックス ザ ミュージック (OST – 2008)
Cover art, Doc portrait (Source: mentioned on one of Sega’s websites)

Sangokushi Taisen 2 Fan Event (2007)
Illustration (Source: mentioned on the game’s official website)

To be confirmed

Bare Knuckle III / ベアナックルIII, AKA Streets of Rage 3 (Mega Drive – 1994)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: )
.Note: art style similar to that of The Super Shinobi II

Ejihon Tantei Jimusho / エジホン探偵事務所~仲間外れの字を探せ~ (Arcade – 1995)
(Source: Makino mentioned the game in an interview)

Golden Axe / ゴールデンアックス (Arcade – 1989)
.Note: Makino has been described several times as “Golden Axe designer”, but it’s uncertain whether he worked on the first episode or not (Source: )

Golden Axe / ゴールデンアックス (WonderSwan – 2002)
Cover art (Source: )
.Note: art style similar to that of Golden Axe: The Music

Stadium Cross / スタジアムクロス (Arcade – 1992)
(Source: )
.Note: Makino drew a 1993 new year’s card featuring this game.

Other works

Dinosaur exhibition / 大恐竜展 (2005)
(Source: mentioned by Makino on his blog)

Hobby Japan / ホビージャパン
(Source: mentioned by Makino on his blog)

Niki-Kai Exhibition (1984-202X)
(Source: mentioned on the exhibition’s official website)

Profile (aussi disponible en français)
Other video game related works
To be confirmed
Other works
Gallery Part 1: games 1
Gallery Part 2: games 2
Gallery Part 3: non-video game related works
Gallery Part 4: “to be confirmed” section