Yoshinobu IWAI / 岩井義宣


Games (in alphabetical order)

Argo / アルゴー (FM-7 – 1988)
Art (with Hidemi Fukuda) (Source: in-game credits)

Dark Storm / ダークストーム (X1, MZ 1500 – 1987)
Cover art (Source: Credited in the manual of the MZ version)

Gate of Labyrinth / ゲートオブラビリンス (X1, MZ 1500 – 1986)
Illustration (with Junko Hatakeyama) (Source: Credited in the manual of the MZ version)

Space Harrier / スペースハリアー (PC-6001, PC-88, X68000, FM-7 – 1987, X1 – 1988)
Illustrations (probably the additional illustrations, not the main visual featured on the cover (Source: credited in the manual of the PC-6001 version)

Super Zenon: Defender Force Gamma 5 / スーパーゼノン ガンマー5, AKA Battle Arm Action Gamma 5 / バトル・アーマ・アクション ガンマー5 (PC-88, X1 – 1986)
Cover art (Source: credited on the cover)

Dark Storm

Space Harrier

Super Zenon: Defender Force Gamma 5