Ryo KUDOU / 工藤稜

Other video game related works

Website (old)

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Ryo KUDOU is not properly credited in most of the following games, but he gave a talk in 2019 in which he gave details about his career at Sega and mentioned the name with which he was credited on The GG Shinobi (and which he used again in Asterix).
He mentions in the liner notes of ‘Legend of Joe Musashi: Shinobi Music Collection’ that he joined Sega 3 months before he started working on The GG Shinobi.

Games (in alphabetical order)

3×3 Eyes: Seima Densetsu / 聖魔伝説 サザンアイズ (Mega-CD – 1993)
“Design” (Source: in-game credits)

Advanced World War: Sennen Teikoku no Koubou / アドバンスド ワールド ウォー 千年帝国の興亡 (Saturn – 1997)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)

Asterix (Master system – 1991)
“artist” (as Kudor.Yo) (Source: mentioned in a conference KUDOU gave on March 23, 2019)

Code Name Sting (PC – 2009)
Illustration (Source: Mentioned in a news published by Game Watch Impress)

Columns / コラムス (Game Gear – 1990)
??? (Source: mentioned in a conference KUDOU gave on March 23, 2019)

J League Pro Striker 2 / Jリーグプロストライカー2 (Mega Drive – 1994)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)

Chaotix / カオティクス, AKA Knuckles’ Chaotix (32X – 1995)
“Character Designer, Enemy Designer, Boss Designer” (Source: in-game credits)

Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn – 1995)
“Field Map Production” (Source: in-game credits)

Moonwalker (Master System – 1991)
??? (Source: mentioned in a conference KUDOU gave on March 23, 2019)

NiGHTS into Dreams… / ナイツ into dreams (Saturn – 1996)
“World Artist” (= backgrounds) (Source: mentioned in a conference KUDOU gave on March 23, 2019 + in-game credits)

Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution / ファンタシースターオンライン エピソード3 カードレボリューション (GameCube – 2003)
Card illustration (Source: in-game credits)

Sakura Taisen / サクラ大戦 (Saturn – 1997)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)

Shinseiki Evangelion: 2nd Impression / 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン・セカンドインプレッション (Saturn – 1997)
Promotional illustration: cover of the promotional leaflet ‘Sega Hot Information’ (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

The Cyber Shinobi (Master System – 1991)
??? (Source: mentioned in a conference KUDOU gave on March 23, 2019)

The GG Shinobi / The GG忍, AKA Shinobi (Game Gear – 1991)
Cover art and manual illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned in the liner notes of ‘Legend of Joe Musashi: Shinobi Music Collection’)
Cartridge label illustration for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter Graphic design: kunoichi (as Kudor-Yo) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

The GG Shinobi II / The GG忍II, AKA Shinobi II: The Silent Fury (Game Gear – 1992)
Cover art and manual illustrations for the Japanese version, graphic design (all the sprites, about half of the backgrounds, in-game illustrations) (Source: mentioned by a the artist on Twitter)

Other video game related works

Legend of Joe Musashi: Shinobi Music Collection / レジェンド オブ ジョー・ムサシ SHINOBI 忍 ミュージックコレクション (OST – 2009)
Cover art (Source: credited in the booklet)

Mega Drive Mini 2 live painting (2022)
(Source: video available here)

Saturn Fan – March 14, 1997 (magazine)
Cover art: Shinseiki Evangelion: 2nd Impression illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Sega Ex – April 1997 (magazine)
Cover art: Shinseiki Evangelion: 2nd Impression illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Sega Saturn Magazine – March 28, 1997 (magazine)
Cover art: Shinseiki Evangelion: 2nd Impression illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Code Name Sting

Shinseiki Evangelion: 2nd Impression

The GG Shinobi

The GG Shinobi II


Legend of Joe Musashi: Shinobi Music Collection

Mega Drive Mini 2 live painting

Saturn Fan – March 14, 1997

Sega Ex – April 1997

Sega Saturn Magazine – March 28, 1997