Physical Game Art – Part 2 (P-W)
Games, Part 1 (A-O)
Games, Part 2 (P-W)
Games, Part 3 (X-Z)
Other video game related works
Games (in alphabetical order)

Pikmin 2 / ピクミン2 (GameCube – 2004)
Clay models used on the cover and in paper ads: Wataru YAMAGUCHI / 山口亘

Plok / プロック (Super NES – 1993)
Diorama: Steve LANG

S.F.3.D Original Operation V (PC-88 – 1985)
Models used in paper ads: Kow YOKOYAMA / 横山宏

Senjō no Ōkami / 戦場の狼, AKA Commando (Famicom – 1986)
Diorama used on the cover: Capcom’s Tokyo Design Department

Sonic the Hedgehog / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ (Mega Drive – 1991)
Model figures used as references: Taku MAKINO / 牧野卓

Spiderman the Videogame / スパイダーマン (Arcade – 1991)
Model figure used as reference: Taku MAKINO / 牧野卓

Super Stadium / スーパースタジアム (SFC – 1991)
Diorama used on the cover and in the manual: Kow YOKOYAMA / 横山宏

Taiyō no Shinden: Asteka II / 太陽の神殿 Asteka II, AKA Templo Del Sol (PC-88, PC-98, FM-7, FM-77, X1 – 1986, MSX2 – 1987)
Sculpture used on the cover: Kow YOKOYAMA / 横山宏

The Return of Ishtar, AKA Ishtar no Fukkatsu / イシターの復活 (Arcade – 1986)
Diorama used on the flyer:
__Yūichirō SHINOZAKI / 篠崎雄一郎 (draft, tower)
__Mr T (figures)

The Tower of Druaga, AKA Druāga no Tō / ドルアーガの塔 (Arcade – 1984)
Diorama used on the flyer: Yūichirō SHINOZAKI / 篠崎雄一郎

Treasure Hunter G / トレジャーハンターG (SFC – 1996)
OOPARTS design model: Eisaku KITOH / 鬼頭栄作

Wachenröder / バッケンローダー (Saturn – 1998)
Sculpture: Eisaku KITOH / 鬼頭栄作

Wild Trax / ワイルドトラックス, AKA Stunt Race FX (SFC – 1994)
—Japanese version—
Clay models featured on the cover and in the manual: Wataru YAMAGUCHI / 山口亘