Takayuki DOI / 土居孝幸

Other video game related works
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Gallery part 2
Gallery part 3


Official illustrator of the Momotarō Densetsu series and its many spin-offs until Konami replaced him by Hideyuki TAKENAMI for the Switch episode released in 2020. The company justified its choice by explaining that Doi’s style now represented that of the competition – he worked on Billion Road, a game produced by Bandai Namco in a similar genre to Momotarō Densetsu but which was not commercially successful (it sold about 34,000 units) – and that it was better to work with another illustrator to ensure the continuity of the series in the decades to come.

Games (in alphabetical order)

Billion Road / ビリオンロード (Switch – 2018)
Character design (Source: mentioned in an article published by Gamer)

Dragon Quest / ドラゴンクエスト (Famicom – 1986)
Manual illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: in-game credits)

Jungle Wars / ジャングルウォーズ (Game Boy – 1991)
Character design (Source: credited on the back of the box)

Kaibutsu Para-Dice – Monster Paradise / 怪物パラ☆ダイス (PS1 – 1997)
Character design (Source: credited on the back of the box)

Momotarō Dengeki / 桃太郎電劇, AKA Momotaro Thunderbolt (Game Boy – 1993)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dengeki 2 / 桃太郎電劇2, AKA Momotaro Thunderbolt 2 (Game Boy – 1994)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Densetsu / 桃太郎伝説 (Famicom – 1987, X68000 – 1988)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Densetsu / 桃太郎伝説 (PS1 – 1998, Windows – 2001)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Densetsu 1→2 / 桃太郎伝説1→2 (GBC – 2001)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Densetsu II / 桃太郎伝説II (PC Engine – 1990)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Densetsu Gaiden / 桃太郎伝説外伝 (Famicom – 1993)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Densetsu Gaiden Dai-1 Shu / 桃太郎伝説外伝 第1集 (PC Engine – 1992)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Densetsu Turbo / 桃太郎伝説ターボ (PC Engine – 1990)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu / 桃太郎電鉄 (Famicom – 1988)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 7 / 桃太郎電鉄7 (PS1 – 1997)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 11 Burakkubonbī Shutsugen! No maki / 桃太郎電鉄11 ブラックボンビー出現!の巻 (PS2, GameCube – 2002)
Character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 12 Nishinihon-hen mo ari masse ! / 桃太郎電鉄12 西日本編もありまっせー! (PS2, GameCube – 2003)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 15 go dai bonbī tōjō! No maki / 桃太郎電鉄15 五大ボンビー登場!の巻 (PS2 – 2005)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 16 Hokkaidōdai idō no maki! / 桃太郎電鉄16 北海道大移動の巻! (PS2 – 2006, Wii, Xbox 360 – 2007)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 20-shūnen / 桃太郎電鉄20周年 (DS – 2008)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 2010 sengoku ishin no hīrō dai shūgō! No maki / 桃太郎電鉄2010 戦国・維新のヒーロー大集合!の巻 (Wii – 2009)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu 2017: Tachiagare Nippon!! / 桃太郎電鉄2017 たちあがれ日本!! (3DS – 2016)
(Source: mentioned on the back of the box)

Momotarō Dentetsu DS – Tōkyō & Japan / 桃太郎電鉄DS TOKYO&JAPAN (DS – 2007)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu G Gold dekki o tsukure! / 桃太郎電鉄G ゴールド・デッキを作れ! (GBA – 2005)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu Happy / 桃太郎電鉄 Happy (SFC – 1996)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu jr. Zenkoku rāmen meguri no maki / 桃太郎電鉄jr. 全国ラーメンめぐりの巻 (Game Boy – 1998)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu Taggumatchi yūjō doryoku shōri no maki! / 桃太郎電鉄タッグマッチ 友情・努力・勝利の巻! (PSP – 2010)
Character design (Source: credited in an article published by Famitsu)

Momotarō Dentetsu USA / 桃太郎電鉄USA (PS2 – 2004)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu V / 桃太郎電鉄V (PS1 – 1999)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dentetsu WORLD / 桃太郎電鉄WORLD (DS – 2010)
Character design (Source: credited on the cover)

Momotarō Dentetsu X Kyūshū-hen mo aru bai / 桃太郎電鉄X 九州編もあるばい (PS2 – 2001)
Character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Dōchūki / 桃太郎道中記 (Saturn – 1997)
Character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Gaiden / 桃太郎外伝 (Game Boy – 1991, Famicom – 1993)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Katsugeki / 桃太郎活劇 (PC Engine – 1990)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Matsuri / 桃太郎まつり (GBA – 2001)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Momotarō Matsuri – Ishikawa Rokuemon no Maki / 桃太郎まつり 石川六右衛門の巻 (PS1 – 2001)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Ninjara Hoi! ! Tsūkai un ga Choko ninpō-den! ! / 忍者らホイ! 痛快うんがちょこ忍法伝!! (Famicom – 1990)
Character design (Source: credited on the box)

Sakuma Shiki Jinsei Game / さくま式人生ゲーム (PS1 – 1998)
Character design (Source: credited on the back of the manual)

Shin Momotarō Densetsu / 新桃太郎伝説 (SFC – 1993)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Super Momotarō Dentetsu / スーパー桃太郎電鉄 (PC Engine – 1989, Game Boy – 1991, Famicom – 1992)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Super Momotarō Dentetsu II / スーパー桃太郎電鉄II (PC Engine – 1991, SFC – 1992, Game Boy – 1993)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Super Momotarō Dentetsu III / スーパー桃太郎電鉄III (SFC – 1994, Game Gear – 1995)
Character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

Super Momotarō Dentetsu DX / スーパー桃太郎電鉄 DX (SFC – 1995)
Cover art, character design (Source: mentioned in the artbook DOIN’S)

The Last Battle / ザ・ラストバトル (SFC – 1994)
Character design (Source: credited on the cover)

Zombies Paradise Puzzle / ゾンビーズパラダイスパズル (iOS, Android – 2019)
Character design (Source: mentioned in an article published by Gamebiz)

Other video game related works

Weekly Shōnen Jump / 週刊少年ジャンプ (magazine)
Illustrations for the Famicom Shinken section (Source: credited in the magazine)

Other video game related works
Gallery part 1
Gallery part 2
Gallery part 3