Akio NAKAMURA / 中村彰男

Born in 1964.



Games (in alphabetical order)

Jaguar XJ220 / ジャガーXJ220 (Mega-CD – 1993)
Box art for the Japanese version (Source: credited in the manual)

Super H.Q. Criminal Chaser / スーパーH.Q. クリミナルチェイサー, AKA Super Chase H.Q. (SFC – 1993)
Box art for the Japanese version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

The Pro Yakyū ’91 / THEプロ野球’91 (Game Gear – 1991)
Box art (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)

Jaguar XJ220 box

Super H.Q. Criminal Chaser box art

The Pro Yakyū ’91 box