Michael Patrick Partners
Current and former artists
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Created on: December 23, 2022
Last edit: –
Current and former artists
Games (in alphabetical order)
Dynamite Duke / ダイナマイトデューク (Mega Drive – 1990, Master System – 1991)
Package design for the US and European versions (Source: mentioned on their old website)
Joe Montana Football / ジョー・モンタナ フットボール (Master System – 1990, Mega Drive – 1991)
Package design for the US and European versions (Source: mentioned on their old website)
Sonic the Hedgehog / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ (1991)
Package design for the US version (Source: mentioned on their old website)
Cover art by Greg WRAY

Dynamite Duke box

Joe Montana Football box

Sonic the Hedgehog box