December 7, 1952 – September 18, 2021

Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2
Gallery Part 3
Gallery Part 4

Website 1
Website 2

Games (in alphabetical order)

3-D Ultra Pinball: Power! (Windows – 1999)
Cover art (Source: via OVGA)

3-D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe (Windows – 2000)
Cover art (Source: via OVGA)

Addams Family Values (Mega Drive, SNES – 1995)
Cover art, logo design (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Note: originally created for the movie.

Battle Cars (SNES – 1993)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the artist on Facebook)

Chicago Syndicate (Game Gear – 1995)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the artist on Facebook. original artwork + unused variant)

College Slam (Saturn, PS1, SNES, Mega Drive, Game Boy, DOS – 1996)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Note: This artwork may have originally been created for Reebok’s Mad Balls campaign.

Die Hard Arcade, AKA Dynamite Deka / ダイナマイト刑事 (Saturn – 1997)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Dig & Spike Volleyball (SNES – 1992)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by Lee MacLeod on Facebook)
.Note: Lee MacLeod painted an unused cover art for this game

Disney’s Magical Quest 3 starring Mickey and Donald, AKA Mickey to Donald Magical Quest 3 / ミッキーとドナルド マジカルアドベンチャー3 (GBA – 2003)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Eradicator (Windows – 1996)
Cover art (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2024)

Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack (Xbox – 2005)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Jaws (NES – 1987)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
.Note: originally created for the movie Jaws: The Revenge

Jester (Mega Drive – unreleased)
Illustration / Cover art? (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Kid Chameleon, AKA Chameleon Kid / カメレオンキッド (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions, promotional illustration for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! (PC, Mac – 1993)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the owner of the original artwork)

Mass Destruction, AKA Mass Destruction: Otousan Nimo Dekiru Soft / マスデストラクション ~お父さんにもできるソフト~ (Saturn, PS1 – 1997)
Cover art for the US version (Source: )

Monster Bass, AKA Killer Bass / キラーバス (PS1 – 2000)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Nanotank (Windows 3.1 – 1993)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the owner of the original artwork, via OVGA)

National Lampoon’s Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1 (DOS – 1993)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)

Nitro Racers (DOS – 1997)
Main visual (Source: preliminary art auctioned in 2024)

Off-World Interceptor Extreme / オフワールド・インターセプター エクストリーム (PS1, Saturn – 1995)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the artist on Facebook)

Pitball (PS1 – 1996)
Cover art for the US version (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2024)

Shining Force / シャイニング・フォース (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Smokin’ Guns (PC – 1993)
Cover art (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2024)

Sol Feace / ソル・フィース (Mega-CD – 1991)
Cover art for the US version (Source: mentioned by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

Street Fighter II / ストリートファイターII (SNES – 1992, Game Boy – 1995)
Cover art and character illustrations for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website. preliminary sketches for the character illustrations)

Street Fighter II’, AKA Street Fighter II’ Plus / ストリートファイターII’ Plus (Mega Drive – 1993, Master System – 1997)
Cover art and character illustrations for the US version. (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
.Note 1: the Master System version released in South America used the same cover art
.Note 2: the character illustrations were also used for the cover of the Capcom Power Fighter Stick

Street Fighter II Turbo / ストリートファイターII ダッシュターボ (SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website. preliminary sketch)

Streets of Rage 2, AKA Bare Knuckle II / ベアナックルII (Mega Drive – 1992, Master System – 1994)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Unused cover art / promotional illustration (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2023: 1, 2)
.Note by one of McGinty’s son: “My brother was the guy in the white t-shirt, Mom was the girl in the jean cutoffs, and I was the young kid on roller blades.” (Source)

Streets of Rage 3, AKA Bare Knuckle III / ベアナックルIII (Mega Drive – 1994)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the artist on Facebook)

Super Batter Up (SNES – 1992)
Unused cover art (Source: confirmed by the artist on Facebook. preliminary sketch)

Super Street Fighter II / スーパーストリートファイターII (Arcade – 1993)
Character illustrations featured on the arcade cabinet (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Logo featured on the arcade cabinet (Source: mentioned by the artist on Facebook)
.Note: this logo was then reused on the cover of the SNES version in Europe and the United States, as well as on the American version of the Mega Drive adaptation.

Super Street Fighter II / スーパーストリートファイターII (Mega Drive, SNES – 1994)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Take a Break! Crosswords (PC – 1992)
Cover art (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2024)

The Addams Family (PC Engine CD – 1991, Game Boy, NES, SNES, Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum – 1992, Mega Drive, Game Gear, Master System – 1993)
Cover art, logo design (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
.Note: originally created for the movie. Most of the characters are superimposed photos, except for Lurch and Thing.

TMNT X Justice League Turbo (PC – 2021)
One of the main visual: collaborative illustration with Tom DuBois and Jim Lawson (Source: mentioned by one of the game developers)

Traysia, AKA Minato no Traysia / 港のトレイジア (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Zoo Tycoon (PC, Mac – 2001)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs (PC – 2002)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania (PC – 2002)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection (PC – 2003)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon 2 (PC – 2004)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure (PC – 2006)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species (PC – 2005)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals (PC – 2007)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania (PC – 2006)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection (PC – 2008)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon DS (DS – 2005)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Zoo Tycoon DS 2 (DS – 2008)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Other video game related works

Eternal Champions (1993)
Illustration used for several products such as the cover of the December 1993 issue of Sega Visions and the book Eternal Champions: Sega Genesis Official Power Guide (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

Pac-Man + BMX collab (1982)
Promotional illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)

Street Fighter II: an oral history (Article published on Polygon – 2014)
Illustration (Source: mentioned on the website)

Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2
Gallery Part 3
Gallery Part 4