Comic artist who co-created The Darkness, which has been adapted into a video game on 2 occasions.

Other video game related works

Games (in alphabetical order)

Dual Blades (GBA – 2002)
Box art: pencil / line art. Inking by Jason Gorder (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Fighting Force (PS1 – 1997)
Story and preliminary character sketches (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Ninja – Shadow of Darkness (PS1 – 1998)
Promotional poster (with Jonathan Sibal) (Source: mentioned by the owner of the artwork)

Wanted: Weapons of Fate (PS3, Xbox 360, Windows – 2009)
Executive producer (Source: in-game credits)

Other video game related works

Daikatana (comic – 2000)
Cover art (penciller). inked by John Livesay (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2014)

Dual Blades

Fighting Force

Ninja – Shadow of Darkness
