Over 11GB of concept art, articles, photos and screenshots of cancelled games or development versions

I have a problem: I have 11GB of photos, screenshots, scans of articles, design documents, concept arts and videos on my hard drive, a mass of documents that grows year after year and I only use a minority of them.
After a dozen years of collecting all kinds of information, and in order to avoid them disappearing by accident, I thought it would be time to share some of them, like I did in 2017 with the scans of ads and flyers I had collected or made myself.
The vast majority of these documents, screenshots and photos are not from me. The article scans, for example, come from sites, communities or individuals such as Abandonware-magazines, Gaming Alexandria, Retromags, RetroCDN, Japanese Magazine Scans as well as countless sites, forums and Twitter accounts (Unseen 64, Lost Levels, Assembler Games, Nintendo Ages, Atari Age, @Akamid83, etc.).
Regarding the design documents, some of them were posted on Twitter by accounts that have since been closed. This is what motivated me to put this archive online, because contrary to what the saying goes, the Internet forgets a lot of things.
My methodology having evolved over time (it was almost non-existent when I started), the source of each document included in this archive is not always indicated. So I apologize in advance to the people I forgot to credit.

You’ll quickly notice that the “beta + concept art” sections actually cover a much wider field than their title might suggest. You’ll find among others development pictures, EPROM pictures, design documents, a handful of videos, articles, etc.
And in the unreleased sections, the same thing but with games never officially released, or in a completely different form (example: Rayman 2, Mission: Impossible, etc.).
I’ve also included pictures and articles of unreleased machines and accessories, or released in a more or less different form.

If you come across a word you don’t understand, it’s probably French.

—>click here to access the download link<—

January 2, 2023