Yasuo TORAI / 虎井安夫

Other video game related works


Games (in alphabetical order)

Deep Blue: Kaitei Shinwa / ディープブルー・海底神話 (PC Engine – 1989)
Layout for the cover art (Source: mentioned by Yūichirō SHINOZAKI on Twitter)

Zombie Hunter / ゾンビハンター (Famicom – 1987)
Main character design (Source: mentioned by Yūichirō SHINOZAKI on Twitter)
Final boss design (Source: mentioned by Yūichirō SHINOZAKI on Twitter)
Enemy design (Source: mentioned by Yūichirō SHINOZAKI on Twitter)
Manual cover illustration (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Zombie Hunter / ゾンビハンター (MSX2 – 1988)
Logo design (Source: mentioned by Yūichirō SHINOZAKI on Twitter)
Layout for the cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Other video game related works

Black Onyx Rebuild / ブラックオニキス・リビルド (Game book)
Illustrations (Source: credited in the book. sketches)
) Logo (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Druaga no tō: Akuma ni Mise Rareshi mono / ドルアーガの塔 悪魔に魅せられし者 (book)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Druaga no tō: Mamiya no Yūsha-tachi / ドルアーガの塔 魔宮の勇者たち (book)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Hi-Score (Magazine – 1986-90)
Sketches for cover illustrations and posters (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Deep Blue: Kaitei Shinwa

Zombie Hunter

Druaga no tō: Akuma ni Mise Rareshi mono

Druaga no tō: Mamiya no Yūsha-tachi