Wataru YAMAGUCHI / 山口亘
Related companies:
Games (in alphabetical order)
1080° Snowboarding / テン・エイティ スノーボーディング (N64 – 1998)
Package design (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)
1080° Silver Storm / テン・エイティ シルバーストーム, AKA 1080° Avanlanche (GameCube – 2003)
Illustrations (Source: mentioned in a 2004 interview)
Excite Bike 64 / エキサイトバイク64 (N64 – 2000)
Logo design, CG and package design (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)
Mario Golf 64 / マリオゴルフ64 (N64 – 1999)
Artwork CG design (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)
Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2 / マリオVSドンキーコング 2 (DS – 2006)
Illustration supervisor (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)
Pikmin / ピクミン (GameCube – 2001)
CG illustrations (Source: mentioned in a 2004 interview)
Pikmin 2 / ピクミン2 (GameCube – 2004)
Clay models featured on the cover and in paper ads (Source: mentioned in a 2004 interview)
Super Mario 64 / スーパーマリオ64 (N64 – 1996)
Package design (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)
Wave Race 64 / ウェーブレース64 (N64 – 1996)
CG illustrations (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)
Wild Trax / ワイルドトラックス, AKA Stunt Race FX (SFC – 1994)
Cover art for the Japanese version (clay models) (Source: mentioned in a 2004 interview)
Yoshi’s Story / ヨッシーストーリー (N64 – 1997)
Package design (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)
Zelda no Densetsu: Mujura no Kamen / ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ, AKA The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64 – 2000)
Illustrations (with Yusuke NAKANO / 中野祐輔) (Source: credited in the booklet of the game’s OST)
Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina / ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ, AKA The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64 – 1998)
illustration support (Source: credited in the manual of the Japanese version)

Excite Bike 64

Pikmin 2

Wild Trax