Takashi AKAISHIZAWA / 赤石沢貴士
Other video game related works
Games (in alphabetical order)
Arrow Flash / アローフラッシュ (Mega Drive – 1990)
Cover art and manual illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)
Kōryū Densetsu Villgust: Kieta Shōjo / 甲竜伝説ヴィルガスト 消えた少女 (SFC – 1992)
Cover art, character illustrations (Source: credited in the booklet of the game’s OST)
Phantasy Star Adventure / ファンタシースターアドベンチャー (Game Gear – 1992)
Cover art, character illustrations (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)
Psychic World / サイキック・ワールド (Game Gear – 1991)
Cover art and character illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)
Queen’s Road / クイーンズロード (PS1 – 1997)
Character design (Source: in-game credits)
Other video game related works
Fate/Grand Order (animated series – 2016)
Design Works (Source: )
Yōsei Senshi El Knights / 妖精戦士エルナイツ (comic)
Art (Source: credited in the magazine)
.Note: published in the magazine Bugbug (November 1992)

Arrow Flash

Kōryū Densetsu Villgust: Kieta Shōjo

Phantasy Star Adventure

Psychic World

Queen’s Road

Yōsei Senshi El Knights