Born in 1971, passed away on March 12, 2024
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2
Gallery Part 3
Games (in alphabetical order)
Asteroids (?)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
.Could be an unused cover art made for Arcade Classic 1: Asteroids – Missile Command (Game Boy – 1995)
Battle Clash, AKA Space Bazooka / スペースバズーカ (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Beyond Shadowgate (PC – 202X)
Main visual (Source: mentioned by the developers on their Kickstarter page)
Chopper Strike (?)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
.Could be related to Comanche (the shape of the helicopter is the same)
Crackdown 2 (Xbox 360 – 2010)
Achievements icons (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Déjà Vu / ディジャブ A Nightmare Comes True!! (NES – 1988)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Fable II (Xbox 360 – 2008)
Art (Source: in-game credits)
Fable II: Pub games (Xbox 360 – 2008)
Art Lead (Source: in-game credits)
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, AKA Final Fantasy USA: Mystic Quest / ファイナルファンタジーUSA ミスティッククエスト (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version, logo design (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Full House Poker (Xbox 360, Windows – 2011)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)
Gun Force / ガンフォース (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Hexic (Xbox 360 – 2005)
Art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Hammerin Harry (?)
Unused cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Huggly Saves the Turtles: Thinking Adventures (Windows – 2000)
Art director, storyboard (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Kickle Cubicle, AKA Meikyūjima / 迷宮島 (NES – 1990)
Promotional illustration for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
King’s Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (PC, Mac – 1994)
Promotional illustrations x2 (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
King’s Quest Collection: Collector’s Series (PC – 1995)
Cover art, back cover (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Leisure Suit Larry Greatest Hits and Misses (PC, Mac – 1994)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail (PC, Mac – 1996)
Promotional illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! / マリオカート ダブルダッシュ!! (GameCube – 2003)
Promotional illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online (Browser game – 2011)
General Artist (Source: in-game credits)
Metal Combat: Falcons Revenge, AKA Battle Crash 2 (SNES – 1993)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects (Windows – 2006)
Art (Source: in-game credits)
Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Windows – 2005)
3D Character Animation (Source: in-game credits)
NHL Stanley Cup (SNES – 1993)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
North and South / ノース アンド サウス わくわく南北戦争 (NES – 1990)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Punch-Out!! (?)
Promotional illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
R-Type / アール・タイプ (Arcade – 1987)
Marquee + side art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Note: also used for the cover of the US version of the Game Boy adaptation (1991) and for R-Type DX / アール・タイプDX (GBC – 1999)
R-Type II / アール・タイプII (Game Boy – 1992)
Cover art for the European version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Rascal, AKA Bubblegun Kid / バブルガンキッド (PS1 – 1998)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Shadowgate / シャドウゲイト (NES – 1989)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Spy VS Spy: The Island Caper / スパイVSスパイ アイランド・ケイパー (NES – 1987)
Cover art for the unreleased US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Star Fighter, AKA StarFighter 3000 / スターファイター3000 (PS1, Saturn, 3DO – 1996)
(unused?) Cover art for the US version (Source: The Art of the Box)
Street Combat, AKA Ranma 1/2: Chōnai Gekitō Hen / らんま1/2 町内激闘篇 (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Street Fighter II Turbo (?)
Promotional illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Super Mario 64 / スーパーマリオ64 (Nintendo 64 – 1996)
Promotional illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Super Play-Action Football (SNES – 1992)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Super R-Type / スーパー・アール・タイプ (SNES – 1991)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Super Soccer, AKA Super Formation Soccer / スーパーフォーメーションサッカー (SNES – 1991)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, AKA Mickey Mouse / ミッキーマウス (Game Boy JP), Roger Rabbit / ロジャーラビット (Famicom Disk System JP) (NES – 1989, then Game Boy – 1990)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
The Final Fantasy Legend, AKA Makai Tōshi Sa・Ga / 魔界塔士Sa・Ga (Game Boy – 1989)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
.Note: Peringer originally drew a different illustration, based on the cover of Japanese version
Uno (Xbox 360 – 2006)
Art Production (Source: in-game credits)
Vs. Duckhunt Vs. Hogan’s Alley / VS ダックハント VS ホーガンズアレイ (Arcade – 1984-85)
Flyer illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Vs. Gradius / VS. グラディウス (Arcade – 1986)
Flyer illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Vs. Gumshoe (Arcade – 1986)
Flyer illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Vs. Ice Climber / VS アイスクライマー (Arcade – 1984)
Flyer illustration (Source: featured on the artist’s website)