Sohhei OSHIBA / 大柴宗平



Games (in alphabetical order)

Dark Kingdom / ダークキングダム (SFC – 1994)
Illustrations (Source: in-game credits)

Gain Ground / ゲイングランド (Mega Drive, Master System – 1991)
Cover art for the Japanese and European versions (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)

Golden Axe III / ゴールデンアックスIII (Mega Drive – 1993)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)

Pro Yakyū Super League CD / プロ野球スーパーリーグCD (Mega CD – 1992)
Cover art (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)

The GG Shinobi II / The GG忍II, AKA Shinobi II: The Silent Fury (Game Gear – 1992)
Package and logo design for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by cover artist Ryo KUDOU on Twitter)

Dark Kingdom

Gain Ground

Golden Axe III

Pro Yakyū Super League CD