Yoko KOBAYASHI, AKA Matilda Yoko / よーこまちるだ, Yoko K.
Other video game related works
To be confirmed
Related companies:
Described by Rieko Kodama as her senior designer, which means she began working as a graphic designer before mid-1984. She designed Alex Kidd and Teddy Boy and probably also did some illustrations for these 2 games/series. She passed away at an unknown date.
Sega TV Game Genga Gallery
Interview with Kotarō Hayashida published in The untold history of Japanese game developers #3, p320
Interview with Rieko Kodama published by Game Watch Impress
Post by Ramón Nafria, developer on Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX and who was in touch with Sega
Games (in alphabetical order)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World / アレックスキッドのミラクルワールド (Mark III – 1986)
Art designer (Source: in-game credits)
Character design: Alex Kidd (original design by Kotarō Hayashida) (Source: Untold history of Japanese game developers Volume 3, p320)
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (Master System – 1990)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)
Fantasy Zone / ファンタジーゾーン (Mark III – 1986)
Design (Source: in-game credits)
Kujaku-Ō / 孔雀王, AKA Spellcaster (Mark III – 1988)
Designer (Source: in-game credits)
Space Harrier / スペースハリアー (Mark III – 1986)
Art designer (Source: in-game credits)
Sukeban Deka II: Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu (Mark III – 1987)
“Special Designed By” (Source: in-game credits)
Teddy Boy Blues / テディーボーイ・ブルース (Arcade – 1985)
Character design (Source: Rieko Kodama mentioned in an interview that he was designed by the same person who designed Alex Kidd)
Other video game related works
SPEC 2 (Newsletter / magazine – 1989)
Cover art (Source: credited on the cover)
To be confirmed
Alex Kidd in Miracle World / アレックスキッドのミラクルワールド (Mark III – 1986)
Manual illustrations (Source: the manual cover art was drawn internally according to Rieko kodama)
Alex Kidd: Tenkuu Majou / アレックスキッド 天空魔城, AKA Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Mega Drive – 1989)
Cover art (foreground), graphic design (sprites), manual illustrations (Source: )
Teddy Boy Blues / テディーボーイ・ブルース (Mark III – 1985)
Cover art (Source: )