Märchen Maker / めるへんめーかー
Other video game related works
Games (in alphabetical order)
Castle Excellent / キャッスルエクセレント (PC-88, FM-7, X1 – 1985, MSX – 1986) )
Cover art, cartridge label illustration (Source: credited as illustrator on the back of the box)
The Castle / ザ・キャッスル (PC-8801, PC-98, X1, FM-7 – 1985, MSX, SG-1000 – 1986, PC-6001 – 1987)
Cover art, cartridge label illustration (Source: credited as illustrator on the back of the box)
Other video game related works
MSX Magazine / MSXマガジン (April 1986 – May 1988)
Illustrations for the “technical area” section (Source: credited in each issue + signature found on each artwork)

Castle Excellent

The Castle

MSX Magazine – April 1986 issue