Makoto OGINO / 荻野真

May 26, 1959 – April 29, 2019



Games (in alphabetical order)

Kujaku-Ō / 孔雀王, AKA Spellcaster (Mark III – 1988)
Original design (Source: based on a manga created by Ogino)

Kujaku-Ō 2: Gen’eijō / 孔雀王2 幻影城, AKA Mystic Defender (Mega Drive – 1989)
Original design (Source: based on a manga created by Ogino)

Tōgi-ō King Colossus / 闘技王キングコロッサス (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art, back cover (Source: credited in the booklet of Image from King Colossus)
Character design (Source: Mega Drive Fan)
Original story, co-director (Source: in-game credits)


Kujaku-Ō 2: Gen’eijō

Tōgi-ō King Colossus