Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2
Games (in alphabetical order)
1941 (SuperGrafX – 1991)
Package design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Adventure Island / アドベンチャーアイランド (PC Engine – 1991)
Package and ad design for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Aero Blasters / エアロブラスターズ (PC Engine – 1990)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Model featured on the cover and in the manual for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Logo redesign for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Aldynes / オルディネス (SuperGrafX – 1991)
Package design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Battle Ace / バトルエース (SuperGrafX – 1989)
Logo and package design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Blodia / ブロディア, AKA Time Ball (PC Engine – 1990)
Manual illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Final Fantasy VIII / ファイナルファンタジーVIII (PS1 – 1999)
Ad proposals (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter: 1, 2)
Final Soldier / ファイナルソルジャー (PC Engine – 1991)
Rough design of the aircraft featured on the cover (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Package and ad design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Genji Tsūshin Agedama / ゲンジ通信 あげだま (PC Engine – 1991)
Package design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Jackie Chan / ジャッキーチェン 成龍, AKA Jackie Chan Action Kung Fu (PC Engine – 1991)
Package design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Ad design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Madō Ō Granzort / 魔動王グランゾート (SuperGrafX – 1990)
Diorama featured in the manual, ad design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Neutopia II / ニュートピアII (PC Engine – 1991)
Package and manual design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Startling Odyssey / スタートリングオデッセイ (PC Engine CD – 1993)
Logo design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Flyer design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Other video game related works
Final Soldier Suite (OST)
Short comic (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Back cover (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
M2 (unreleased console)
Logo design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
PC Engine ads
Design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
SuperGrafX ads
Design (Source: mentioned by the designer on Twitter)
Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2