Hiroshi FUJI / 冨士宏

Other video game related works
To be confirmed
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2


Related companies:

Games (in alphabetical order)

Babel no Tō / バベルの塔 (Famicom – 1986)
Cover art mentioned by the game’s sound designer)
Character design (Source: mentioned in an article published by Famitsu)

Family Circuit / ファミリーサーキット (Famicom – 1988)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by one of his collaborators on Twitter)
Character design (Source: mentioned in an article published by Famitsu)

Family Pinball / ファミリーピンボール, AKA Rock ‘n Ball (Famicom – 1989)
Covert art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by one of his collaborators on Twitter)

Family Tennis / ファミリーテニス (Famicom – 1987)
Covert art (Source: mentioned by one of his collaborators on Twitter)
.Note: also used for the cover of the Japanese version of the PC Engine game Pro Tennis World Court / プロテニスワールドコート (1988)

Faradoon: The Legend of Dragon Castle, AKA Monica no Shiro / モニカの城 (Saturn – unreleased)
Character design (Source: Saturn Fan – October 15, 1995 issue)

Hōrai Gakuen no Bōken! / 蓬莱学園の冒険! (SFC – 1996)
Covert art (Source: credited on a promotional flyer)
Character design (Source: in-game credits)

Shōnen Majutsushi Indy / 少年魔術師インディ, AKA Indy, The Magical Kid (Famicom – unreleased)
Character design (Source: Famitsu #168 – March 6, 1992 issue)

Sky Kid / スカイキッド (Arcade – 1985)
Character design (Source: mentioned in an article published by Famitsu)

Star Luster / スターラスター (Famicom – 1985)
Character design (Source: mentioned by Namco historian Zekuu on Twitter)

Tenshi no Uta / 天使の詩 (PC Engine CD – 1991)
Character & Monster Design (Source: in-game credits)

Toy Pop / トイポップ (Arcade – 1986)
Character design (Source: mentioned by his former colleague Yūichirō Shinozaki)

Valkyrie no Bōken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu / ワルキューレの冒険 (Famicom – 1986)
Cover art, character design (Source: interview featured in the January 1991 issue of Hippon Super)
.Note: the sprite of the main character was made before Hiroshi Fuji “designed” her.

Valkyrie no Densetsu / ワルキューレの伝説 (Arcade – 1989)
Flyer illustration: line. Final illustration by Kouichi TOKITA / ときた洸一 (Source: Namco Museum of Art, episode 9)
Character illustrations (Source: Namco Museum of Art, episode 9)

Valkyrie no Densetsu / ワルキューレの伝説 (PC Engine – 1990)
Character illustrations (with Kouichi TOKITA / ときた洸一), promotional illustration (Source: Namco Museum of Art, episode 9)

Other video game related works

Famislo: SLOT Family Stadium / ファミスロ SLOT ファミリースタジアム (Pachislot – 2018)
Main visual (Source: credited on the machine’s official website)

Famislo: SLOT Galaga / ファミスロ SLOT ギャラガ (Pachislot – 2019)
Main visual (Source: credited on the machine’s official website)

Famislo: SLOT Pac-Man / ファミスロ SLOT パックマン (Pachislot – 2018)
Main visual (Source: credited on the machine’s official website)

Namco NG (magazine)
Comic (Source: mentioned in an article published by Famitsu)

The Birth of Walküre, AKA Walküre no Kōtan / ワルキューレの降誕 (manga – 2005)
(Source: credited in the book)

The Glory of Walküre, AKA Walküre no Eikō / ワルキューレの栄光 (manga – 2007)
(Source: credited in the book)

Walküre Story For Orchestra / ワルキューレ・ストーリー フォー オーケストラ (AST – 1993)
Cover art (Source: credited in the booklet)

To be confirmed

Blazer / ブレイザー (Arcade – 1987)
Tank Design (Source: )

Namco Classic / ナムコクラシック (Famicom – 1988, Game Boy – 1991)
Cover art (Source: )

Side pocket / サイドポケット (Famicom – 1987)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: )

Valkyrie no Densetsu Gaiden: Rosa no Bōken / ワルキューレの伝説 外伝 ローザの冒険 (Windows)
Character design, concept art (Source: )

Xandra no Daibōken: Valkyrie to no Deai / サンドラの大冒険 ワルキューレとの出逢い, AKA Whirlo (SFC – 1992)
Character design, concept art (Source: )

Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2