Other video game related works
To be confirmed
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Games (in alphabetical order)

Aerobiz, AKA Air Management: Ōzora ni Kakeru / エアーマネジメント 大空に賭ける (Mega Drive, SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Alfred Chicken, AKA Super Alfred Chicken (Game Boy, NES, SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US version (Source: mentioned in the description of a preliminary artwork put up for auction, confirmed by the owner of some of the original artwork)

Alien Vs Predator / エイリアンVS.プレデター (SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: mentioned by one of his clients)

Alisia Dragoon / アリシアドラグーン (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Asteroids (Atari 7800 – 1987, Game Boy – 1992)
Cover art (Source: Art of Atari)

Banjo-Tooie, AKA Banjō to Kazooie no Daibōken 2 / バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険2 (Nintendo 64 – 2000)
Promotional illustration for the US version (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Beyond Oasis, AKA Story of Thor / ストーリー オブ トア (Mega Drive – 1994)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball (SNES – 1991)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of some of the preliminary sketches on Facebook)
Promotional illustration (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2023)

Biometal / バイオメタル (SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Bionic Commando / バイオニックコマンドー (Game Boy – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Burning Force / バーニングフォース (Mega Drive – 1990)
Cover art for the US version (Source: mentioned in the description of a preliminary artwork put up for auction)

Burning Road / バーニングロード (PS1 – 1996)
Cover art for the US version (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Cabal (NES – 1990)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Chakan: The Forever Man (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

Civilization II: Fantastic Worlds (PC – 1997)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the artwork, via OVGA)

Civilization II: Multiplayer Gold Edition (PC – 1998)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Conan (NES – 1991)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, AKA Croc! Pau-Pau Island / クロック!パウパウアイランド (PS1, Saturn, Windows – 1997)
Unused cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)
Promotional illustration (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Dark Wizard, AKA Dark Wizard: Yomigaerishi Yami no Madoushi / ダークウィザード 蘇りし闇の魔導士 (Mega-CD – 1993)
Cover art for the US version (Source: featured in an old portfolio)

Doomsday Warrior, AKA Taiketsu!! Brass Numbers / 対決!! ブラスナンバーズ (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

Dream Probe (unreleased US version of Psycho Dream) (SNES – ~1992)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

Earnest Evans (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

EXO Squad (Mega Drive – 1995)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in a blogpost by his former agency)

Final Fight 3, AKA Final Fight Tough / ファイナルファイト タフ (SNES – 1995)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: mentioned in a blogpost by his former agency)

G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor (NES – 1992)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

Galaxy Force II / ギャラクシーフォースII (Mega Drive – 1991)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Gargoyle’s Quest, AKA Red Arremer: Makaimura Gaiden / レッドアリーマー 魔界村外伝 (Game Boy – 1990)
Promotional illustration for the US version (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Gargoyle’s Quest II, AKA Red Arremer II / レッドアリーマーII (Famicom – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: mentioned by the owner of the original artwork)

Gremlins (Atari 2600, Apple II, Commodore 64, PC booter – 1984. Atari 5200 – 1986)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork. Preliminary art auctioned in 2023)

Gremlins 2: The New Batch / グレムリン2 (Famicom – 1990)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: signature found on the artwork)
.Note: artwork originally created for the movie

Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, ZX Spectrum – 1990)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)
.Note: artwork originally created for the movie

Gunstar Heroes / ガンスターヒーローズ (Mega Drive – 1993)
Unused cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the original artwork, featured in the book Mega Drive – Genesis collected works)

Hal’s Hole In One Golf, AKA Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One / ジャンボ尾崎のホールインワン (SNES – 1991)
Cover art for the US version (Source: mentioned by the owner of the artwork, via OVGA)

High Velocity, AKA Touge King the Spirits / 峠キング・ザ・スビリッツ (Saturn – 1995)
Cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Joe and Mac 2 Lost in the Tropics (U), AKA Joe and Mac 3 Lost in the Tropics (E), Tatakae Genshijin 3 – Shuyaku wa Yappari Joe & Mac / 戦え原始人3 主役はやっぱり (SNES – 1994)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: mentioned in the description of a preliminary artwork put up for auction)

Kendo Rage, AKA Makeruna! Makendō / 負けるな!魔剣道 (SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Klash Ball (NES – 1991)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the original artwork. Preliminary artwork auctioned in 2022)

Lightening Force (U), AKA Thunder Force IV / サンダーフォースIV (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Little Samson, AKA Seirei Densetsu Lickle / 聖鈴伝説リックル (NES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Luxor: The Wrath of Set (PSP – 2006)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s old portfolio)

Mario’s Game Gallery (DOS – 1995)
Cover art (Source: sketches auctioned in 2023)

MechWarrior, AKA Battletech / バトルテック (SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: credited in the manual)

Mega Man 3, AKA Rockman 3 / ロックマン3 (NES – 1990)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Mega Man 4, AKA Rockman 4 / ロックマン4 (NES – 1991)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of one of the preliminary artwork on Facebook)

Mega Man 5, AKA Rockman 5 / ロックマン5 (NES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork onf Facebook)

Mega Man 6, AKA Rockman 6 / ロックマン6 (NES – 1993)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Mega Man 7, AKA Rockman 7 / ロックマン7 (SNES – 1995)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork (not archived))
Promotional illustration for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Mega Man Soccer, AKA Rockman’s Soccer / ロックマンズサッカー (SNES – 1994)
Cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Mega Man the Wily Wars, AKA Rockman Mega World / ロックマン メガワールド (Mega Drive – 1994)
Cover art for the US version (unreleased) (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Mega Man V, AKA Rockman World 5 / ロックマンワールド5
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Mega Man X, AKA Rockman X / ロックマンX (SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Mega Man X 3, AKA Rockman X 3 / ロックマンX 3 (SNES – 1995)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Mighty Final Fight / マイティ ファイナルファイト (NES – 1993)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers – The Fighting Edition (SNES – 1995)
Cover art (Source: signature found on a sketch)

My Disney Kitchen (PS1 – 2002)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork (not archived))

Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge, AKA Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers’ Revenge / ヴァンパイア ハンター (Saturn – 1996)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Phelios / フェリオス (Mega Drive – 1990)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Poker Face Paul’s series (Blackjack, Gin, Poker, Solitaire) (Game Gear – 1994)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)
.Note: the 4 games in the series use the same cover art. A fifth game – Poker Face Paul’s Cribbage – was in development.

Pole Position (?) (??)
Artwork (Source: mentioned in the description of a preliminary artwork put up for auction)
.Note: could be an early version or a proposal for the cover of the Atari 2600 version of Pole Position.

Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers (SNES – 1996)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Powerball, AKA Wrestleball / レッスルボール (Mega Drive – 1991)
Cover art for the US version (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook + signature found on the artwork)

River City Ransom: Underground, AKA Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari Underground / ダウンタウン熱血物語アンダーグラウンド (Windows – 2017)
English variant cover art (Source: mentioned by the developer)

Robocop 3 (SNES – 1992, NES, Mega Drive, Game Gear, Master System – 1993)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in a blogpost by his former agency)

Schoolhouse Rock!: Activity Pack (PC – 1996)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Shadow of the Ninja (U), AKA Yami no Shigotonin Kage / 闇やみの仕事KAGE (J), Blue Shadow (E) (NES – 1990)
Cover art for the US version (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Shinobi III, AKA The Super Shinobi II / ザ・スーパー忍II (Mega Drive – 1993)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Star Lancer (Windows – 2000)
Unused cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork (not archived))

Star Wars: Rebel Assault / スターウォーズ・レベル・アサルト (DOS – 1993, Mega-CD – 1994)
Cover art (Source: signature found on a prelim artwork)

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, AKA Star Wars: Shutsugeki! Rogue Chuutai / スター・ウォーズ 出撃!ローグ中隊 (Nintendo 64 – 1998)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the original artwork. (Source: preliminary sketch auctioned in 2023)

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Windows – 1997)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight, AKA 2010 Street Fighter / 2010ストリートファイター (NES – 1990)
Cover art for the US version (Source: original artwork shown in a picture of the artist’s workspace with the references he used to paint it)

Streets of Rage, AKA Bare Knuckle: Ikari no Tekken / ベアナックル 怒りの鉄拳 (Mega Drive – 1991, Master System – 1993)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Super Double Dragon, AKA Return of Double Dragon / リターン・オブ・双截龍 (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: confirmed by the owner of one of the preliminary sketches on Facebook)

Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back / スーパースターウォーズ帝国の逆襲 (SNES – 1993)
Cover art (Source: signature found on one of the preliminary artwork)

Tempo / テンポ (32X – 1995)
Cover art for the US and South American versions: sketches/layout. Final illustrations by Lee MACLEOD for the South American version(Source: mentioned by the owner of the sketches as well as by MacLeod in an interview with OVGA)
.Note: MacLeod mentions in an interview with OVGA that his illustration was later retouched by someone else for the US version, even though his signature was not removed. It was presumably retouched by Winters.

Terror Strike (Windows – 2006)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s old portfolio)

The Adventures of Willy Beamish (Mega-CD – 1993)
Promotional illustration (Source: original artwork auctioned in 2022)

The California Raisins (NES – unreleased)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

The GG Shinobi / The GG忍, AKA Shinobi (Game Gear – 1991)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)

The Goonies (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64 – 1985, ZX Spectrum – 1986)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)

The Horde (3DO – 1994)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (PC – 1996)
Inlay artwork (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook)

The Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess (PC – 1993, Mega-CD – 1994)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of one of the preliminary sketches)

The Wizard of Oz (SNES – 1993)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Time Out Games (PC – 2000)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Wacky Worlds – Creativity Studio (Mega Drive – 1994)
Cover art (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Wing Commander: The Secret Missions (SNES – 1993)
Cover art (Source: prelim artwork auctioned in 2023)

Yo! Noid (NES – 1990)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the original artwork)

Virtua Fighter / バーチャファイター (32X – 1995)
Promotional illustration for the US version (Source: mentioned by the owner of the original artwork, via OVGA)

Other video game related works

Computer Gaming World #167 – June 1998 (Magazine)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Eternal Champions / エターナルチャンピオンズ (~1994)
Unused (?) artwork (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork on Facebook. prelim artwork auctioned in 2023)

Namco promotional leaflet “Leader of the Pac” (~1990-91)
Illustration (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

Sonic the Hedgehog (board game – 1992)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the arwork)
Illustrations (Source: confirmed by the owner of the original artwork)

Ultra Game Players #106 – January 1998 (Magazine)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in the description of the original artwork during an auction)

To be confirmed

Final Fight 2 / ファイナルファイト2 (SNES – 1993)
Cover art for the US and European versions

Guerilla War (PC Booter – 1988)
Cover art

Mercs, AKA Senjō no Ōkami II / 戦場の狼II (Mega Drive – 1991)
Cover art for the US and European versions

Putt & Putter / パット&パター (Game Gear – 1991, Master System – 1992)
Cover art (US version only for the Game Gear version)

Splatterhouse 2, AKA Splatterhouse Part 2 / スプラッターハウスPART2 (Mega Drive – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions

Super Bowling / スーパーボウリング (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US version

Super Buster Bros. , AKA Super Pang / スーパーパン (SNES – 1992)
Cover art for the US and European versions

Tempo / テンポ (32X – 1995)
Cover art for the US version

Wild Guns / ワイルドガンズ (SNES – 1994)
Cover art for the US and European versions

Other video game related works
To be confirmed
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