January 24, 1963 – January 18, 2021



Games (in alphabetical order)

Frankenstein: The Monster Returns (NES – 1990)
Cover art (Source: mentioned on Linkedin by the artist)

Hot Wheels: Crash! (Windows – 1999)
3D Artist (Source: in-game credits)

Hyper Lode Runner / ハイパーロードランナー (Game Boy – 1989)
Cover art for the US and European versions (Source: mentioned on Linkedin by the artist)

MatchBox Caterpillar Construction Zone (Windows – 1999)
Lead Artist (Source: in-game credits)

Return Fire (3DO – 1995, PS1, Windows – 1996)
3D modeling and texturing (Source: mentioned on Linkedin by the artist)
Cover art for the 3DO version (with Reichart Kurt von Wolfsheild) (Source: in-game credits)

Return Fire 2 (Windows – 1998)
3D modeling and texturing (Source: mentioned on Linkedin by the artist)

Zombie Nation, AKA Abarenbou Tengu / 暴れん坊天狗 (NES – 1990)
Cover art for the US version (Source: mentioned on Linkedin by the artist)

Frankenstein: The Monster Returns

Hyper Lode Runner

Return Fire

Zombie Nation