Syd MEAD / シド・ミード
Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2
Games (in alphabetical order)
A5 / A列車で行こう5 / A Ressha de Ikō 5 (PS1 – 1997)
Promotional poster illustration (Source: signature found on the artwork)
Aliens: Colonial Marines (PS3, Xbox 360, PC – 2013)
USS Sulaco interior design (Source: mentioned in an interview published by The Hollywood Reporter)
.Note: Mead previously designed the exterior for the 1986 movie Aliens
Battlestar Galactica (PS2, Xbox – 2003)
Designs (Source: in-game credits)
Blade Runner (PC – 1997)
Visual consultant (Source: in-game credits)
Bounty Hounds / バウンティ・ハウンズ (PSP – 2006, PC – unreleased)
Concept art (Source: mentioned in an article published by Game Watch Impress)
Cyber Tank / サイバータンク (Arcade – 1988)
Flyer illustrations (Source: signature found on the artwork)
CyberRace (PC – 1993)
Visual Concept Designer (Source: in-game credits + signature found on the artwork)
Devastation (PC – 2003)
Special Thanks (Source: in-game credits)
F29 Retaliator / F29 リタリエイター (Atari ST, Amiga – 1989, DOS – 1990, PC-98 – 1992)
Cover art for the Atari ST and Amiga versions, also used for the title screen (Source: signature found on the artwork)
Gran Chaser / グランチェイサー, AKA Cyber Speedway (Saturn – 1995)
Concept design and key scene digital illustration (Source: Sega Saturn Magazine – June 1, 1995 + signature found on each artwork)
.Note: there are 2 different dates for the copyright on the title screen: 1992 and 1995
Jet Moto 4 / Jet Moto 2124 (PS1 – 1998 – cancelled)
Concept art (Source: featured in the artbook “Sentury”)
Terraforming / テラフォーミング (PC Engine CD – 1992, Mega-CD – unreleased)
Concept and scenic design (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Tron 2.0 (PC, Xbox – 2003)
Light cycle design (Source: featured in the artbook “Sentury II”)
Wing Commander: Prophecy (PC – 1997)
Concept art: aliens + Nephilim designs (Source: featured in the artbook “Sentury”)
untitled Valve game (2015)
Game design (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
= The Lab?
untitled Polyphony Digital game (2015)
(Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
= Gran Turismo 6/Sport?
Other video game related works
Joystick magazine – January 1983
Illustrations (Source: credited in the magazine)
Sony Hit Bit (Computer series – 1986)
Promotional illustrations (Source: signature found on each artwork)
Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2