Norio OKUBO / 犬久保則雄
Norio Okubo says that he and his team, who worked for Sanritsu, were prevented from puting their real names in the credits for the Mark III game Wanted (1989), not at Sanritsu’s request but at that of Sega, the game’s producer and publisher.
Okubo, as a fan of Yōko Minamino, mixed the latter’s nickname – Nanno – with a word sounding like his first name – 海苔王 / Nori-ō, or seaweed king, resulting in the pseudonym ‘Nannorio’. (source)
Related companies:
Hudson Soft
Games (in alphabetical order)
Alien Syndrome / エイリアンシンドローム (Mark III – 1987)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Assault City (Master System – 1990)
Planning (as Nannorio) (Source: in-game credits + mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Bomber Raid / ボンバーレイド (Mark III – 1989)
Manual illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
planning, graphics, Visual design (as Nannorio) (Source: in-game credits)
Bomberman B-Daman / ボンバーマンBダマン (SFC – 1996)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)
Bomberman Collection / ボンバーマン コレクション (Game Boy – 1996)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Bomberman GB / ボンバーマンGB, AKA Wario Blast (Game Boy – 1994)
Game design (Source: in-game credits)
Graphic design: drafted one of the ending illustrations of the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Bomberman GB 2 / ボンバーマンGB 2, AKA Bomberman GB (Game Boy – 1995)
Supervisor (Source: in-game credits)
Bomberman GB 3 / ボンバーマンGB 3 (Game Boy – 1996)
Supervisor (Source: in-game credits)
Bomberman Hero ~ Mirian-Ōjo o Sukue! / ボンバーマンヒーロー ~ミリアン王女を救え! (N64 – 1998)
Game design (Source: in-game credits)
Bomberman Jetters / ボンバーマンジェッターズ (GBA – 2002)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Bomberman Story / ボンバーマンストーリー, AKA Bomberman Tournament (GBA – 2001)
Game design (Source: in-game credits)
Chou Genjin / 超原人, AKA Super B.C. Kid (E) / Super Bonk (U) (SFC – 1994)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Combat Hawk / コンバットホーク (Arcade – 1987)
Planning, graphic design, music (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Instruction card illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Double Hawk (Master System – 1990)
Planning (as Nannorio) (Source: in-game credits)
Genjin Collection / 原人コレクション (Game Boy – 1996)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Genjin Show – Tobidase! VB Genjin / 原人 Show – とびだせ! VB原人 (Virtual Boy – unreleased)
Design doc (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Great Volleyball (Mark III – 1987)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Kabuki Itto Ryōdan / カブキ 一刀涼談 (PC Engine CD – 1992)
? (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Kyukyoku Tiger / 究極タイガ (PC Engine – 1989)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Mahjong Sengoku Jidai / 麻雀戦国時代 (Mark III – 1987)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Momotarō Collection / 桃太郎コレクション (Game Boy – 1996)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Momotarō Collection 2 / 桃太郎コレクション2 (Game Boy – 1996)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Raid on Bungeling Bay / バンゲリングベイ (Famicom – 1985)
Play test (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Same Game / セイムゲーム (Game Boy – 1997)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Shiju Hachi / 四八(仮) (PS2 – 2007)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Super Air Wolf / スーパーエアーウルフ (Mega Drive – 1991)
Planner (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Super Robot Taisen A / スーパーロボット大戦A (GBA – 2001)
Scenario Assistant (Source: in-game credits)
Tennis Ace (Master System – 1989)
Assistant (as Nannorio) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Time Diver: Eon Man (NES – ~1993 – unreleased)
Planner (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Wanted (Master System – 1989)
Planner, Visual Design (as Nannorio) (Source: in-game credits)

Bomberman GB

Combat Hawk