Kenichi SUDO / 須藤健一
Games (in alphabetical order)
Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea / アドベンチャーオブ東京ディズニーシー (GBA – 2001)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea / アドベンチャーオブ東京ディズニーシー (PS2 – 2001)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Dancing Museum / ダンス・ダンス・レボリューション ディズニー・ダンシング・ミュージアム (N64 – 2000)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney’s Rave / ダンスダンスレボリューションディズニーズレイブ, AKA Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix (U) / Dancing Stage Disney Mix (E) (PS1 – 2000)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Disney Golf Classic / ディズニー・ゴルフ・クラシック, AKA Disney Golf (PS2 – 2002)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Disney’s Magical Park / ディズニーマジカルパーク (Gamecube – 2002)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Magical Tetris Challenge Featuring Mickey / マジカルテトリスチャレンジfeaturingミッキー (N64 – 1998, PS1 – 1999)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Minnie & Friends: Yume no Kuni o Sagashite / ミニー&フレンズ 夢の国をさがして (GBC – 2001)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Pop’n Music GB Disney Tunes / ポップンミュージックGB ディズニーチューンズ (GBC – 2000), AKA Pop’n Music Disney Tunes (PS1 – 2000)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)
Tetris Adventure: Susume Mickey to Nakama-tachi / テトリスアドベンチャー すすめミッキーと仲間たち, AKA Magical Tetris Challenge (GBC – 1999)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on his Facebook page)

Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea (GBA)

Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea (PS2)

Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Dancing Museum

Dance Dance Revolution: Disney’s Rave

Disney Golf Classic

Disney’s Magical Park

Magical Tetris Challenge Featuring Mickey

Minnie & Friends: Yume no Kuni o Sagashite

Pop’n Music GB Disney Tunes

Tetris Adventure: Susume Mickey to Nakama-tachi