Chizuru TAGA / 多賀千鶴
Related companies:
Games (in alphabetical order)
Dragon Buster / ドラゴンバスター (Arcade – 1985)
Flyer illustration (Source: mentioned by Namco historian Zekuu)
Character design (Clovis and Princess Celia) (Source: mentioned by Namco historian Zekuu)
Character illustrations, also used for the cover of the Famicom version (1987) (Source: mentioned by Namco historian Zekuu)
Libble Rabble / リブルラブル (Arcade – 1983)
Flyer illustration, Character design (Hoblin) (Source: mentioned by her former colleague Yuichiro Shinozaki on Twitter)
Mappy / マッピー (Arcade – 1983, Famicom, MSX, M5 – 1984)
Flyer illustration for the Japanese version / Cover art (Source: mentioned by Namco historian Zekuu)
Character (re)design (Mappy, Meowkies) (Source: mentioned by Namco historian Zekuu)
Pac-Land / パックランド (Arcade – 1984)
Flyer illustration (line art. Color by Keiji KANAGAWA / 金川啓二) (Source: mentioned by Namco historian Zekuu)
Pac & Pal / パック&パル (Arcade – 1983)
Character design (Miru, with Mayumi AKIYAMA) (Source: Who illustrated Pac-Man? – Tadashi Yamashita )
Rompers / ロンパーズ (Arcade – 1989)
Character design (as C. Taga) (Source: )

Dragon Buster

Libble Rabble


Pac & pal (with Mayumi Akiyama)
