Games (in alphabetical order)
Bully, AKA Canis Canem Edit (PS2 – 2006, Wii, PS3, Xbox360 – 2008)
Cover art for the European version of the PS2 version, cover art for the Wii version, promotional illustrations (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Grand Theft Auto V / グランド・セフト・オートV (PS3, Xbox 360 – 2013, PS4, Xbox One – 2014; Windows – 2015)
Cover art (with Roxie Vizcarra), promotional illustrations (with Roxie Vizcarra) (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Max Payne 3 / マックスペイン3 (PS3, Xbox 360, Windows – 2012)
Cover art, promotional illustrations (with Roxie Vizcarra) (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Red Dead Redemption / レッド・デッド・リデンプション (PS3, Xbox 360 – 2010)
Cover art, promotional illustrations (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare / レッド・デッド・リデンプション・アンデッド・ナイトメア (PS3, Xbox 360 – 2010)
Cover art, promotional illustrations (with Roxie Vizcarra) (Source: featured on the artist’s website)


Grand Theft Auto V

Max Payne 3

Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare