Burai Gekan – Kanketsu Hen box art

Casablanca: Ni ai o satsujin-sha wa jikū o koete box

Dōkeshi Satsujin Jiken original box art (PC-88, PC-98)

Dōkeshi Satsujin Jiken second box art (PS1, Saturn)

Eiga-kyō Satsujin Jiken box art

Getsu Fūmaden box art

Illvanian no Shiro box art

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb box art

Jack – Las Vegas Renzoku Satsujin box art

Jikū Yūden Debias box art

Kogane no Rashinban box art

Kohakushoku no Yuigon box art

Las Vegas main visual

Les flics box

Madeleine: naki ōjo no tame no Pavane box art

Masquerade box art

Master of Monsters illustrations

Might and Magic II box art