Comic book artist

Other video game related works

Games (in alphabetical order)

Virtua Fighter Mini / バーチャファイターMini, AKA Virtua Fighter Animation (Game Gear – 1996)
Box art for the US and European versions (inking only) (Source: credited in the comic ‘Virtua Fighter #1’)
Note: Originally created for the cover of Virtua Fighter #1.

Virtua Fighter Remix / バーチャファイターRemix (Saturn – 1995)
Box art for the US version (inking only) (Source: credited in the comic ‘Virtua Fighter #1’)
Note: Originally created for the cover of Virtua Fighter #1.

Other video game related works

Virtua Fighter #1 (Comic – August 1995)
Inking (Source: credited in the comic)

Virtua Fighter #1 cover