Yōichi KOTABE / 小田部羊一

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Other video game related works
Other works

Games (in alphabetical order)

Atsumare!! Made in Wario / あつまれ!!メイド イン ワリオ, AKA WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! (GameCube – 2003)
Character supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

BS Super Mario USA Power Challenge / BSスーパーマリオUSA パワーチャレンジ (SFC – 1996)
Graphic design (with other people) (Source: in-game credits)

BS Zelda no Densetsu / BSゼルダの伝説 (SFC – 1995)
Designer (with other people) (Source: in-game credits)

BuraBura Donkey / ぶらぶらドンキー, AKA DK: King of Swing (GBA – 2005)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Dairantō Smash Brothers DX / 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズDX, AKA Super Smash Bros.: Melee (GameCube – 2001)
Supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Donkey Kong / ドンキーコング (Game Boy – 1994)
Illustrator (Source: in-game credits)

Donkey Konga / ドンキーコンガ (GameCube – 2003)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

EVR Race – Derby version / EVRレース (Arcade – 1975)
Animation (Source: L’Histoire de Nintendo, Volume 1)

Famicom Mukashi Banashi: Yūyūki / ふぁみこんむかし話 遊遊記 (Famicom Disk System – 1989)
Character design (with Tatsuya Hishida) (Source: in-game credits)

Game Boy Gallery 2 / ゲームボーイギャラリー2, AKA Game & Watch Gallery 2 (GBC – 1998)
Illustration advisor (with other people) (Source: in-game credits)

Game Boy Gallery 3 / ゲームボーイギャラリー3, AKA Game & Watch Gallery 3 (GBC – 1999)
Illustration advisor (Source: in-game credits)

Game Boy Gallery 4 / ゲームボーイギャラリー4, AKA Game & Watch Gallery 4 (GBA – 2002)
Illustration (Source: in-game credits)

Kaeru no tame ni Kane wa Naru / カエルの為に鐘は鳴る (Game Boy – 1992)
Special thanks (Source: in-game credits)

Kid Icarus (Famicom or Game Boy)
Illustrations (Source: mentioned in an interview published by LeMonde.fr)

Kuru Kuru Kururin / くるくるくるりん (GBA – 2001)
Character design (Source: mentioned by the artist during an October 2018 conference)

Kururin Squash! / くるりんスカッシュ! (GameCube – 2004)
Character design (Source: in-game credits)

Made in Wario / メイド イン ワリオ, AKA WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (U) / WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania (E) (GBA – 2003)
Supervisor (Character) (Source: in-game credits)

Mario & Luigi RPG / マリオ&ルイージRPG, AKA Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA – 2003)
Illustration supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Mario & Luigi RPG 2 / マリオ&ルイージRPG2 / Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (DS – 2005)
Illustration supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Mario & Wario, AKA Mario to Wario / マリオとワリオ (SFC – 1993)
Special thanks (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Golf 64 / マリオゴルフ64, AKA Mario Golf (N64 – 1999)
Graphics support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Golf: Family Tour / マリオゴルフ ファミリーツアー, AKA Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (Gamecube – 2003)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Golf GB / マリオゴルフGB, AKA Mario Golf (GBC – 1999)
Graphics support (with Yusuke Nakano) (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Golf: GBA Tour / マリオゴルフ GBAツアー, AKA Mario Golf: Advance Tour (GBA – 2004)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario no Super Picross / マリオのスーパーピクロス (SFC – 1995)
illustrator (Source: credited in the manual)

Mario Party / マリオパーティ (N64 – 1999)
Graphic support (with Shigefumi Hino) (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party 2 / マリオパーティ2 (N64 – 2000)
Graphic support (with Masanori Sato) (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party 3 / マリオパーティ3 (N64 – 2001)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party 4 / マリオパーティ4 (GameCube – 2002)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party 5 / マリオパーティ5 (GameCube – 2003)
Graphics support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party 6 / マリオパーティ6 (GameCube – 2004)
Graphics support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party 7 / マリオパーティ7 (GameCube – 2005)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party Advance / マリオパーティ アドバンス (GBA – 2005)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Party-e / マリオパーティカードe (GBA / E-Reader – 2003)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Story / マリオストーリー, AKA Paper Mario (N64 – 2000)
Illustration support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Tennis 64 / マリオテニス64, AKA Mario Tennis (N64 – 2000)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Tennis Advance / マリオテニスアドバンス, AKA Mario Tennis: Power Tour (GBA – 2005)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario Tennis GC / マリオテニスGC, AKA Mario Power Tennis (GameCube – 2004)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Mario vs. Donkey Kong / マリオVSドンキーコング (GBA – 2004)
Art Supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Mawaru Made in Wario / まわる メイドインワリオ, AKA WarioWare: Twisted! (GBA – 2004)
Character supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Mobile Golf / モバイルゴルフ (GBC – 2001)
Graphic support (Source: in-game credits)

Odoru Made in Wario / おどるメイド イン ワリオ, AKA WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii – 2006)
Character supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Ōgon no Taiyō: Hirakareshi Fūin / 黄金の太陽 開かれし封印, AKA Golden Sun (GBA – 2001)
Graphic supports (Source: in-game credits)

Ōgon no Taiyō: Ushinawareshi Toki / 黄金の太陽 失われし時代, AKA Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA – 2002)
Graphic supports (Source: in-game credits)

Paper Mario RPG / ペーパーマリオRPG, AKA Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GameCube – 2004)
Supervisor: characters (Source: in-game credits)

Pokemon Channel ~Pikachū to Issho!~ / ポケモンチャンネル ~ピカチュウといっしょ!~ (GameCube – 2003)
Animation supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Pokémon Stadium / ポケモンスタジアム (N64 – 1998)
Character supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Pokémon Stadium 2 / ポケモンスタジアム2, AKA Pokémon Stadium (N64 – 2000)
Character supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Pokémon Snap / ポケモンスナップ (N64 – 1999)
Character supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Sawaru Made in Wario / さわる メイドインワリオ, AKA WarioWare: Touched! (DS – 2004)
Character supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Shin Onigashima / 新・鬼ヶ島 (Famicom Disk System – 1987)
Character sketch/draft for the cover of the 2nd part (Source: Yōichi Kotabe Legendary Animator – His Animated Drawings)
Character design/manual illustration (Source: Nintendo Dream – January 2019)

Super Mario 64 / スーパーマリオ64 (N64 – 1996)
Character redesign (Source: mentioned in an interview published by LeMonde.fr)
.Original drawings shown at the Shiinoki Cultural Complex exhibition (2020))
Modeling supervisor (Source: mentioned by the artist during an October 2018 conference)

Super Mario Advance / スーパーマリオアドバンス (GBA – 2001)
Illustrator (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World / スーパーマリオアドバンス2: スーパーマリオワールド (GBA – 2001)
Art work (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 / スーパーマリオアドバンス4: スーパーマリオブラザーズ3 (GBA – 2003)
Artwork (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario Bros. 2, AKA Super Mario USA / スーパーマリオUSA (NES – 1988)
Motion designer (with Takashi Tezuka) (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario Bros. 3 / スーパーマリオブラザーズ3 (Famicom – 1988)
Manual illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist during a February 2016 conference, drawings shown at the Shiinoki Cultural Complex exhibition (2020): 1, 2, 3, 4)
Cover art (Source: mentioned in an interview published by LeMonde.fr)

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe / スーパーマリオブラザーズデラックス (GBC – 1999)
Illustrator (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario Kart / スーパーマリオカート (SFC – 1992)
Illustrator (with Yoshiaki Koizumi and Mie Yoshimura) (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario Land 2 / スーパーマリオランド2 6つの金貨 (Game Boy – 1992)
Character design: Wario (Source: )

Super Mario RPG / スーパーマリオRPG (SFC – 1996)
Character advisor (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario World / スーパーマリオワールド (SFC – 1990)
Special thanks (Source: in-game credits)

Super Mario – Yossy Island / スーパーマリオ ヨッシーアイランド, AKA Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island (SFC – 1995)
Special thanks (Source: in-game credits)

Super Princess Peach / スーパープリンセスピーチ (DS – 2005)
Character supervision (Source: in-game credits)

Tetris Attack (SNES, Game Boy – 1996)
Design adviser (with other people) (Source: in-game credits)

The Hyrule Fantasy: Zelda no Densetsu / ゼルダの伝説, AKA The Legend of Zelda (Famicom Disk System – 1986)
Supervised the TV commercial for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist during an October 2018 conference)

The Legend of Zelda 2: Link no Bōken / リンクの冒険, AKA Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Famicom Disk System, NES – 1987)
Character design (Source: Nintendo Dream January 2019)
Character illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist during an October 2018 conference)

Wario Land Advance / ワリオランドアドバンス, AKA Wario Land 4 (GBA – 2001)
Illustrator (Japanese version only?) (Source: mentioned in the Japanese manual)

Wrecking Crew ’98 / レッキングクルー’98 (SFC – 1998)
Special thanks (Source: in-game credits)

Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic / 夢工場 ドキドキパニック (Famicom Disk System – 1987)
Motion designer (carpet animation) (Source: mentioned in an interview with Satoru Iwata)
“meddler” (Source: in-game credits)

Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce / ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース, AKA The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SFC – 1991)
“printed art work” (with other people) (Source: in-game credits)

Zelda no Densetsu: Yume o Miru Shima / ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島, AKA The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Game Boy – 1993)
Illustrator (Source: in-game credits)
Note: Keiko Izawa is credited for the artworks of the DX version

Other video game related works

Pokémon (trading card game – 2009)
Card illustration: Pichu (Source: credited on the card)

Super Mario Collection guide book / スーパーマリオコレクション任天堂公式ガイドブック (book – 1993)
Sketch made in collaboration with Takashi Tezuka, presumably drawn during the development of Super Mario Bros. 3 (Source: credited in the book)

Super Mario World – Guide video / スーパーマリオワールド ガイドビデオ (VHS – 1991)
Opening animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Yoshi no Tamago – Nintendo Kōshiki Guide Book / ヨッシーのたまご 任天堂公式ガイドブック (book – 1992)
Illustrations (Source: credited in the book)


Akadō Suzunosuke / 赤胴鈴之助 (TV series – 1972-73)
Character design (Source: mentioned during a conference by the artist)
Assistant animation director (Source: mentioned by animation historian Matteo Watzky)

Alibaba to Yonjubiki no Tozuku / アリババと40匹の盗賊 / Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs (movie – 1971)
Key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Alps no Shōjo Heidi / アルプスの少女ハイジ / Heidi – A Girl of the Alps / Heidi (TV series – 1974)
Character design, animation director (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Anju to Zushio Maru / 安寿と厨子王丸 / The Littlest Warrior / Le plus petit guerrier (movie – 1961)
In-between animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Araiguma Rascal / あらいぐまラスカル (TV series – 1977)
Animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Dōbutsu Takarajima / どうぶつ宝島 / Animal Treasure Island / Les Joyeux Pirates de l’Île au Trésor (movie – 1971)
Key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Flanders no Inu / フランダースの犬 (TV series – 1975)
Key animation: 1 episode (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Fuyu no hi / 冬の日 / Jours d’Hiver (movie – 2003)
Animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Hoshi no Kirby / 星のカービィ / Kirby: Right Back At Ya! (TV series – 2001-03)
Animation supervisor (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Haha o Tazunete Sanzen Ri / 母をたずねて三千里 / Marco – From the Apennines to the Andes (TV series – 1976)
Character design, animation director, animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Hey! Bumboo / へーい!ブンブー / Boumbo (TV series – 1985-86)
Animation director (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Himitsu no Akko-Chan / ひみつのアッコちゃん (TV series – 1969)
“animation” (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Hotaru no haka / 火垂るの墓 / Grave of the Fireflies / Le Tombeau des lucioles (movie – 1988)
Key animation (Source: mentioned in numerous interviews by the artist)

Hustle Punch / ハッスルパンチ (TV series – 1965-1966)
Key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Jarinko Chie / じゃりン子チエ / Chie the Brat / Kié La Petite Peste (movie – 1981)
Character design, animation director (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä / 風の谷のナウシカ / Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / Nausicaä de la vallée du vent (movie – 1984)
Key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Kojika Monogatari / 子鹿物語 / The Yearling (TV series – 1983-85)
Animation director (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Kōya no Shōnen Isamu / 荒野の少年イサム / Willie Boy (TV series – 1973-74)
Key animation (Source: mentioned by animation historian Matteo Watzky)

Mahōtsukai Sally / 魔法使いサリー (TV series – 1966-1968)
Animation director (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Manga Nihon Emaki / まんが日本絵巻 (TV series – 1977)
Storyboard (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Naga Kutsushita no Pippi / 長くつ下のピッピ / Fifi Brindacier / Pippi Longstocking (TV series – ~ 1971)
Character design, image boards (Source: mentioned in the book Maboroshi no ‘Naga Kutsushita no Pippi’)

Nagagutsu o haita neko / 長靴をはいた猫 / Puss ‘n Boots / Le Chat Botté (movie – 1969)
Storyboard, key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Ōkami Shōnen Ken / 狼少年ケン (TV series – 1963-65)
Sub character design, animation director (Source: mentioned by animation historian Benjamin Ettinger)

Oz no Mahō Tsukai / オズの魔法使い / Le Magicien d’Oz / The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
“animation” (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Panda Kopanda / パンダ・コパンダ / Panda! Go, Panda! / Panda petit panda (movies – 1972)
Animation director, key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)
Character design (Source: mentioned in an interview with the artist)

Penguin’s Memory: Shiawase Monogatari / ペンギンズ・メモリー幸福物語 (movie – 1985)
Key animation (Source: mentioned by animation historian Benjamin Ettinger)

Rainbow Sentai Robin / レインボー戦隊ロビン / Robin, brigade de l’arc-en-ciel (TV series – 1966-67)
Animation director: 2 episodes (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Samurai Giants / 侍ジャイアンツ (TV series – 1973-74)
Key animation: 1 episode (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Serendipity Monogatari: Pyua-tou no Nakama-tachi / セレンディピティ物語 ピュア島の仲間たち / Biniky le Dragon Rose (TV series – 1983)
Character design (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Saiyūki / 西遊記 / Alakazam the Great / Alakazam, Le Petit Hercule (movie – 1960)
In-between animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Sango-sho Densetsu: Aoi Umi no Elfie / サンゴ礁伝説 青い海のエルフィ / Elfie (TV special – 1986)
Character design (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Seton Dōbutsuki: Kuma no Ko Jacky / シートン動物記 くまの子ジャッキー / Monarch: The Big Bear of Tallac / Bouba, le petit ourson (TV series – 1977)
Animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Shōnen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru / 少年忍者風のフジ丸 (TV series – 1964-65)
Key animation, animation director (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Shōnen Sarutobi Sasuke / 少年猿飛佐助 / Magic Boy (movie – 1959)
In-between animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Sinbad no Bōken / アラビアンナイト・シンドバッドの冒険 / Sinbad the Sailor / Simbad le Marin (movie – 1962)
In-between animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Sōgen no Ko Tenguri / 草原の子テングリ (movie – 1977)
Key animation (Source: mentioned by animation historian Benjamin Ettinger)

Sora Tobu Yūreisen / 空飛ぶゆうれい船 / Flying Phantom Ship / Le Vaisseau Fantôme Volant (movie – 1969)
Animation director (Source: credited in the staff roll)
draft of one of the main visuals (Source: featured in the book Yōichi Kotabe Legendary Animator – His Animated Drawings)

Taiyō no Ōji – Hols no Daibōken / 太陽の王子 ホルスの大冒険 / Horus – Prince of the Sun / Horus, Prince du Soleil (movie – 1968)
Character design (Source: featured in the book Yōichi Kotabe Legendary Animator – His Animated Drawings)
Key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Tatsu no ko Tarō / 龍の子太郎 (movie – 1979)
Character design, animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)
Art direction (Source: mentioned in an interview published in the 99th issue of Animeland)

The Super Mario Bros. Movie (movie – 2023)
Original character design for Mario’s father and mother (with Shigeru Miyamoto) (Source: mentioned by Shigeru Miyamoto in a 2023 interview )

Wan Wan Chūshingura / わんわん忠臣蔵 / Doggie March / Le trésor des loyaux serviteurs canins (movie – 1963)
Key animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Wanpaku Ōji no Orochi Taiji / わんぱく王子の大蛇退治 / The Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon / Le prince-garnement terrasse la grande hydre (movie – 1963)
In-between animation (Source: credited in the staff roll)
Key animation, character design (Source: mentioned during a conference by the artist)

Way too many Pokémon movies, TV series and TV specials (1997-2016)
Animation supervisor (Source: credited in the staff roll)

Other works

Comicbox, May-June 1984 issue (magazine – 1984)
Illustration (Source: credited in the magazine)

Gekkan Betty / 月刊ベティ (magazine – 1982)
Illustration(s) (Source: credited in the magazine)

Heidi in Japan (exhibition – 2019)
Illustration (Source: Tokyo Shinbun – July 8, 2019)

Yōichi Kotabe Legendary Animator – His Animated Drawings / 小田部羊一アニメーション画集 (artbook – 2008, second edition published in 2019)

Kuru Kuru Kururin

Shin Onigashima

Super Mario 64

Super Mario Bros. 2

Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Bros. 3 / All Stars sketch drawn with Takashi Tezuka

Super Mario Kart

Pokémon TCG

Super Mario

Yoshi no Tamago – Nintendo Kōshiki Guide Book