Yoshiki KAWASAKI / 川崎吉喜
Joined Sega’s purchasing department in 1976 then was transfered to the visual design division of the R&D department in 1983 when Sega entered the consumer market with the SG-1000.
Other video game related works
Related companies:
Games (in alphabetical order)
Albegas / アルベガス, AKA Cybernaut (Arcade – 1984)
Graphic design: bullets (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)
Champion Boxing / チャンピオンボクシング (SG-1000 – 1984)
Graphic design: main character (Source: mentioned by Rieko Kodama on Twitter)
Flicky / フリッキー (Arcade – 1984)
Character design, instruction card illustrations, Graphic design (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)
Golgo 13 / ゴルゴ13 (SG-1000 – 1984)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)
Ninja Princess / 忍者プリンセス (Arcade – 1985)
Instruction card illustrations (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned by Rieko Kodama on Twitter)
Sanrin San-Chan / 三輪サンちゃん, AKA Spatter (Arcade – 1984)
Flyer illustration (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)
Sanrin San-Chan / 三輪サンちゃん, AKA Spatter (Mega Drive Mini 2 – 2022)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by M2 director Takayuki Komabayashi)
Sinbad Mystery / シンドバットミステリー (Arcade – 1983)
Instruction card illustrations (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)
Flyer illustration / Cover art (Source: )
Other video game related works
Games Hakase / ゲームズ博士 (mascot)
Character design (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)
Sega’s calendars and new year’s cards
Illustrations (Source: mentioned in an interview with Sega)


Ninja Princess

Sanrin San-Chan (Arcade version)

Sanrin San-Chan (Mega Drive Mini 2 version)

Sinbad Mystery

Games Hakase