Yoshiaki KASHIWAZAKI / 柏崎義明



Games (in alphabetical order)

Darius Gaiden / ダライアス外伝 (PS1 – 1996)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Dolucky no A. League Soccer / ドラッキーのAりーぐさっかー (SFC – 1994)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Dolucky no Kusa Yakyu / ドラッキーの草やきう (SFC – 1993)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu / ドラゴンスレイヤー英雄伝説 (PC-88 – 1989, PC-98, FM Towns, MSX2 – 1990, PC Engine CD – 1991, SFC – 1992, Mega Drive – 1994)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
.Emblem Also used on the box of its sequel on SFC – 1993, Mega Drive – 1994,

GT Racing / ジーティーレーシング (SFC – 1996)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Wolfenstein 3D / ウルフシュタイン 3D (SFC, PC-98 – 1994)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: credited on the back of the box)

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys / イースIV The Dawn of Ys (PC Engine CD – 1993)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Darius Gaiden

Dolucky no A. League Soccer

Dolucky no Kusa Yakyu

Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu

GT Racing

Wolfenstein 3D

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys