Yan SAKOGUCHI / ヤン窄口, AKA Sakon

Other video game related works

Related companies:
RED Entertainment

Games (in alphabetical order)

Ankoku Densetsu / 暗黒伝説, AKA The Legendary Axe II (PC Engine – 1990)
Title design for the Japanese version (with other people) (Source: in-game credits)

Devil Crash / デビルクラッシュ (PC Engine – 1990)
Cover art, concept art (Source: credited on the cover of the PC Engine version. Original illustration auctioned a few years ago)
.Note: Also used for the cover of the Japanese version of Devil Crash MD / デビルクラッシュMD, AKA Dragon’s Fury (Mega Drive – 1991)

Other video game related works

Famicom Tsushin / ファミコン通信 (Magazine)
Cover art of a supplement to the November 24, 1989 issue: Dracula Densetsu Kōryaku Handbook / ドラキュラ伝説攻略ハンドブック (Source: signature found on the artwork (auctioned a few years ago))

Devil Crash cover art

Devil Crash concept art

Famicom Tsushin – Dracula Densetsu Kōryaku Handbook