Tatsuya ISHIKAWA / 石川達也

Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2

Website 1
Website 2

Related companies:

Games (in alphabetical order)

Bosconian 3D (Arcade – unreleased)
Proposal (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Caligula / カリギュラ, AKA The Caligula Effect (PSVita – 2016)
Production Script, Background Design, Storyboard, Item Design (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Cosmo Gang – The Puzzle / コズモギャングザパズル (Arcade – 1992)
Graphic assistant, supervision, direction (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Cosmo Gang – The Video / コズモギャングザビデオ (Arcade – 1992)
Graphic design, game design (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Graphic design: logo from the title screen (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Cyber Sled / サイバースレッド (Arcade – 1993)
System evolution proposal (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3)

Dragon Saber / ドラゴンセイバー (Arcade – 1990)
Character design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Boss design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3)
Story, main graphic designer (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Logo design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Storyboard for the opening (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)

Dragon Spirit / ドラゴンスピリット (Arcade – 1987)
Character design, story (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Main graphic designer: “I did everything but the backgrounds (though I did some objects in the background, too)” (Source: mentioned by the artist in an interview translated by Shmuplations)
Logo design: drew the dragons. Font by Sonoe TAKIGAMI / 瀧上園枝 (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Dragon Spirit / ドラゴンスピリット (PC Engine – 1988)
Cover art for the Japanese version: original drawing. Painted on cel by Kouichi TOKITA / ときた洸一 (Source: mentioned by Kouichi TOKITA on Twitter)
.Note: artwork originally created for Namco Video Game Graffiti Volume 2 (1987)

Dragon Spirit: Aratanaru Densetsu / ドラゴンスピリット新たなる伝説, AKA Dragon Spirit: The New Legend (Famicom – 1989)
Character design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Cover art: layout + line art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
TV commercial: Storyboard, original drawings, supervision (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Eunos Roadster Driving Simulator / ユーノスロードスター・ドライビングシミュレータ (Arcade – 1990)
“Course 3D Production” (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Face off / フェイスオフ (Arcade – 1988)
Graphic assistant (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Family Jockey / ファミリージョッキー (Famicom – 1987)
Package design: layout (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Galaxian3 / ギャラクシアン3 (Arcade – 1990)
Storyboard, mechanic design, 3D graphics (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Jikū Yūden Debias / 時空遊伝デビアス (Famicom – 1987)
Character Design, outsourcing supervision (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Mach Breakers: Numan Athletics 2 / マッハブレイカーズ: ニューマンアスレチックス 2 (Arcade – 1994)
Sub-character design, supervision, direction (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
In-game illustration: Sharon (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Mach GOGOGO! / マッハGOGOGO!, AKA Speed Racer (Arcade – 1995)
Demo screen production, supervision (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Metal Hawk / メタルホーク (Arcade – 1988)
Planning, Specification, MAP Production, main graphic designer (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Logo design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)

Mitsubishi Driving Simulator DS5000 / MITSUBISHIドライビングシミュレーター5000 (Driving simulator – 1990)
“Course, object 3D production” (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Numan Athletics / ニューマンアスレチックス (Arcade – 1993)
Specifications, character design, background design (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Logo design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)

Pistol Daimyō no Bōken / ピストル大名の冒険 (Arcade – 1990)
Logo design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Rolling Thunder / ローリングサンダー (Arcade – 1986)
Background (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Logo design: drew the character. Font by Sonoe TAKIGAMI / 瀧上園枝 (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Soul Edge / ソウルエッジ (Arcade – 1995)
Character draft, test model production (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Starblade / スターブレード (Arcade – 1991)
Storyboard, Mechanic design, Polygon data (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization / ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・リアリゼーション (PS4, Vita – 2016, Windows – 2017, Switch – 2019
(Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Tekken / 鉄拳 (Arcade – 1994)
Ending movie supervision, direction (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

The Outfoxies / アウトフォクシーズ (Arcade – 1995)
Graphic assistant (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Wonder Momo / ワンダーモモ (?)
Graphic supervision, promotional item design (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Wonder Momo 2 / ワンダーモモ2 (Arcade – 1993 – unreleased)
Proposal, character design, illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, and on Pixiv)

Yōkai Dōchūki / 妖怪道中記 (Arcade – 1987)
Helped design Kamiko (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Japanese Fantasy Robot RPG
Proposal (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

side-scrolling sword fighting action project (unreleased)
Designs (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Other video game related works

Dragon Spirit: Aoki Ryū to Aka wa no Yūsha / ドラゴン・スピリット―蒼き竜と赤輪の勇者 (Novel – 1992)
Character design (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Gals Island 3 (mook)
Illustration (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Namco Game Sound Express VOL.4 Dragon Saber / ナムコ ゲーム サウンド エクスプレス VOL.4 ドラゴンセイバー (OST/AST – 1991)
Cover art, illustrations (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Namco NG (magazine)
Dragon Spirit comic (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)

Namco Video Game Graffiti Volume 2 (1987)
Cover art: original drawing. Painted on cel by Kouichi TOKITA / ときた洸一 (Source: mentioned by Kouichi TOKITA on Twitter)

Shinji Hosoe WORKS VOL.1 ~DRAGON SPIRIT~ / 細江慎治 WORKS VOL.1 ~ドラゴンスピリット~ (OST/AST – 2012)
Cover art, illustrations (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Shinji Hosoe WORKS Vol.3 ~DRAGON SABER~ / 細江慎治 WORKS VOL.3 ドラゴンセイバー (OST/AST – 2013)
Cover art (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

The Book of Dragon Spirit (book – 1989)
Comic (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)

Other video game related works
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2