Hitoshi YONEDA / 米田仁士
Other video game related works
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Gallery part 6
Games (in alphabetical order)
Alteil / アルテイル (Browser game – 2004)
Card illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Alteil II / アルテイルII (Browser game – 2008)
Card illustrations (Source: mentioned in an article published by 4Gamer)
Alteil NEO / アルテイルNEO (mobile – 2018)
Card illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Ayakashi no shiro / あやかしの城 (Game Boy – 1990)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
DaiMakaimura / 大魔界村, AKA Ghouls’n Ghosts (Mega Drive – 1989)
Manual illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: credited in the manual)
Drop Rock Hora Hora / ドロップロック ほらホラ, AKA Drop Off (PC Engine – 1990)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Dungeon RPG Tsukūru / ダンジョンRPGツクール だんだんダンジョン (PC-98 – 1994)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)
Elemental Gearbolt / 幻世虚構 精霊機導弾 ELEMENTAL GEARBOLT (PS1 – 1997)
Cover art, illustrations, Original Character & Enemy Design (Source: in-game credits + mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Elnard / エルナード, AKA The 7th Saga (SFC – 1993)
Character Illustrations (with other artists) (Source: credited in the manual)
Eye of the Beholder III / アイ・オブ・ザ・ビホルダーIII (PC-98 – 1994)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Falcata / ファルカタ 〜アストラン・パードマの紋章〜 (PS1 – 1995)
Cover art, back cover, illustrations (Source: credited in the manual + mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Gilgamesh Sorcerian / ギルガメッシュソーサリアン (PC-98 – 1990)
Illustrations (Source: Falcom Chronicle)
Lenam – Sword of Legend / レナム (MSX2 – 1989)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)
Lunatic Dawn III / ルナティックドーンIII (PS1 – 1998)
Cover art, concept art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3)
Magic World Begins (Windows – 2011)
Character design for 2 magicians (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Meru Purana / メールプラーナ (PS1 – 1996)
Cover art, illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu / ミネルバ トン サーガ ラゴン の 復活 (Famicom – 1987)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Mori no Oukoku / 森の王国 (PS1 – 1999)
Illustrations / image boards (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Mystic Ark / ミスティックアーク (SFC – 1995)
Monster Designer (Source: in-game credits)
Period Zero / ピリオドゼロ (iOS, Android – 2016)
Card illustration (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Phantasy Star II / ファンタシースターII (Mega Drive – 1989)
Cover art, back cover for the Japanese version (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
manual illustration for the Japanese version (Source: credited in the manual)
Phantasy Star: The end of the Millenium / ファンタシースター 千年紀の終りに (Mega Drive – 1993)
Cover art and illustrations for the Japanese version (Source: credited on the cover)
Phantom Kingdom / ファントム・キングダム, AKA Makai Kingdom (PS2 – 2005)
Event illustrations x2 (Source: mentioned in an article published by Game Watch Impress)
Robot Wars / ロボットウォーズ (PC-6001 – 1984)
Cover art (Source: )
RPG Tsukūru Dante 98 II / RPGツクールDante98II (PC-98 – 1996)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Seiken Densetsu – Final Fantasy Gaiden / 聖剣伝説 : ファイナルファンタジー外伝 (Game Boy – 1991)
Promotional illustrations x4 (Source: credited in each ad)
Selected Sorcerian / セレクテッド・ソーサリアン (PC-88, PC-98, X1 Turbo – 1989)
Promotional illustrations for the 5 episodes (Source: Falcom Chronicle)
Sequence Palladium / シークエンス・パラディウム (Windows – 2001)
Cover art (Source: KOGADO Visual Works 1985-2008 + mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Silent Bomber / サイレントボマー (PS1 – 1999)
Character design (Source: mentioned on the publisher’s website)
Silva Saga / シルヴァ・サーガ (Famicom – 1992)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Silva Saga II / シルヴァ・サーガ2 (SFC – 1993)
Cover art, character design (Source: credited in the manual)
Sorcerian / ソーサリアン (PC-88 – 1987)
Cover art, illustrations (Source: Falcom Chronicle)
Sorcerian / ソーサリアン (Mega Drive – 1990)
Cover art, manual illustrations (Source: Falcom Chronicle)
Sorcerian Original / ソーサリアンオリジナル (Windows – 2000)
Illustration (Source: Falcom Chronicle)
Terra Battle / テラバトル (iOS, Android – 2014)
Character design (Jaguna, Ve’rudi, Meylia) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Vandal Hearts / ヴァンダルハーツ ~失われた古代文明~ (PS1 – 1996)
Cover art, back cover (Source: in-game credits + mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Wizardry Online / ウィザードリィ オンライン (Windows – 2011)
Monster Design (with others) (Source: in-game credits)
Wizardry: Seimei no Kusabi / Wizardry ~生命の楔~ (DS – 2009)
Monster Design (with others) (Source: in-game credits)
Other video game related works
Alfa System SAGA (book – 2004)
Cover art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Bahamut Lagoon Fanbook / バハムートラグーンファンブック (book – 1996)
Illustration (Source: credited in the book)
Comptiq Vol. 28 – March 1987 (Magazine)
Poster illustration (Source: credited in the magazine)
Dragon’s Crown Artworks / ドラゴンズクラウンアートワーク (Artbook – 2015)
Guest illustration (Source: credited in the book)
Famicom Hisshōbon / ファミコン必勝本 (Magazine – 1986)
Illustrations, cover art (Source: credited in the magazine)
Famitsu – November 9, 1990 / ファミ通 (Magazine)
Illustration (Source: credited in the magazine)
Final Fantasy Gaiden Seiken Densetsu Kanzen Kōryaku-hen / 聖剣伝説 : ファイナルファンタジー外伝 完全攻略編 (Guide book – 1991)
Illustrations (also used for postcards) (Source: credited in the book + mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu Omoi wa Shirabe ni Nosete / ファイナルファンタジー外伝 聖剣伝説 想いは調べにのせて (OST – 1991)
Cover art (Source: credited in the booklet + mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu Sound Collections / ファイナルファンタジー外伝 聖剣伝説 SOUND COLLECTIONS (OST – 1995)
Cover art, illustrations (taken from the 1991 Original Sound Version) (Source: credited in the booklet + mentioned by the artist on Twitter : 1, 2)
Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu Original Sound Version / ファイナルファンタジー外伝 聖剣伝説 Original Sound Version (OST – 1991)
Booklet illustrations (Source: credited in the booklet)
Hippon Super! – July 1993 / 必本スーパー! (Magazine)
Illustration (Seiken Densetsu 2) (Source: credited in the magazine)
Login – September 15, 1989 (Magazine)
Appendix cover art (Ys III Action Manual) (Source: credited in the magazine)
Märchen Veil Kanzen Hisshōbon – Famicom Hisshōbon Special / メルヘンヴェール完全必勝本 – ファミコン必勝本・フライデースペシャル (Guide book – 1987)
Cover art (Source: credited in the book + mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Marukatsu Super Famicom / マル勝ファミコン (Magazine)
Illustration(s) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Mega Drive Fan / メガドライブFAN (Magazine – 1991 – 1992)
Illustrations (Source: credited in the magazine)
Monster Maker Resurrection / モンスターメーカーリザレクション (TCG – 2002)
Illustration (Source: mentioned on the artist’s website)
Phantasy Star ~Fuujirareshi Kioku~ – Memorial Drama CD & Fanbook / メモリアルドラマCD&ファンブック 「ファンタシースター ~封じられし記憶~ (book + CD – 1995)
Cover art (Source: credited in the book)
Sorcerian Sōseiki / ソーサリアン創世記 (Novel – 1990)
Cover art, illustrations (Source: credited in the book)
Sorcerian – New year’s Eve card
Illustration (Source: Falcom Chronicle)
Super Adventure Game – Valkyrie no Bōken / スーパーアドベンチャーゲーム ワルキューレの冒険 (Game books x3 – 1988)
Cover art (Source: credited in each volume)
The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers Volume 1 (book – 2013)
Alternate cover art (Source: credited in the book)
Xanadu / ザナドゥ (Game book – 1986)
Cover art (Source: credited in the book)
.Note: This is his first video game-related work. Falcom later asked him to make illustrations for his games (Source: The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers Vol.1)
Xanadu Scenario 2 / ザナドゥシナリオ2 (Game book – 1987)
Cover art (Source: credited in the book)
Other video game related works
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