Hiroaki SHIOYA / 塩谷博明
Born in 1953
Other video game related works
Website (old)
Games (in alphabetical order)
Bahamut Senki / バハムート戦記 (Mega Drive – 1991)
Cover art, back cover (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)
Jewel Master / ジュエル・マスター (Mega Drive – 1991)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)
Sangokushi Retsuden / 三国志列伝 (Mega Drive – 1991)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist’s website)
Super League / スーパーリーグ, AKA Tommy Lasorda Baseball (Mega Drive – 1989)
Cover art for the Japanese and European versions, back cover for the Japanese version (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)
.Note: the cover art was also used for the cover of the European version of American Baseball (Master System – 1989)
Vermilion / ヴァーミリオン, AKA Sword of Vermilion (Mega Drive – 1989)
Cover art and back cover for the Japanese version (Source: Sega TV Game Genga Gallery)
Other video game related works
Adventure Novels: Zork / アドベンチャーノベルス ゾーク (Novel series – 1987)
Cover art x3 (Source: credited in the books)

Bahamut Senki

Jewel Master

Sangokushi Retsuden

Super League


Adventure Novels: Zork