Naoto OHSHIMA / 大島直人, AKA Big Island

Other video game related works
To be confirmed
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2


Related companies:

Games (in alphabetical order)

Altered Beast (Master System – 1989)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned in an interview published in the January 1997 issue of Sega Magazine)

Away: Shuffle Dungeon / アウェイ シャッフルダンジョン (DS – 2008)
Character design, producer (Source: in-game credits)

Balan Wonderworld (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch, Windows – 2021)
Development producer, character designer (Source: in-game credits)

Blinx: The Time Sweeper / ブリンクス・ザ・タイムスイーパー (Xbox – 2002)
Character design (Source: in-game credits + mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3)
Director, game design (Source: in-game credits)

Blinx 2: Battle of Time & Space / ブリンクス2:バトル・オブ・タイム&スペース , AKA Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space (Xbox – 2004)
Director, game design (Source: in-game credits)

Blue Dragon / ブルードラゴン (Xbox 360 – 2006)
Executive Producer (Source: in-game credits)

Burning Rangers / バーニングレンジャー (Saturn – 1998)
Director, graphic artist, character designer (Source: in-game credits)
Character portraits (line art) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Chaotix / カオティクス (32X – 1995)
Character design (Vector, Charmy Bee) (Source: mentioned in an interview published in Untold History of Japanese game Developers Vol.3)

Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams / クリスマスナイツ 冬季限定版 (Saturn – 1996)
Director, visual designer (Source: in-game credits)

Ghost Vibration / ゴーストヴァイブレーション (PS2 – 2002)
Game design (Source: in-game credits)

Golden Axe / ゴールデンアックス (Mega Drive – 1989)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned in a 1993 interview)

Golden Axe III / ゴールデンアックスIII (Mega Drive – 1993)
Concept art / Unused illustrations? (Source: mentioned by Yosuke Okunari on Twitter)

Hey! Pikmin / Hey! ピクミン (3DS – 2017)
Development producer (Source: in-game credits)

Hokuto no Ken: Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu / 北斗の拳 新世紀末救世主伝説, AKA Last Battle (Mega Drive – 1989)
Art director (Source: in-game credits)

Jigen Kairō / 時限回廊, AKA Echoshift (PSP – 2010)
Producer (Source: in-game credits)

Ju-on: The Grudge / 呪怨 (Wii – 2009)
Chief producer (Source: in-game credits)

Kujaku Ou / 孔雀王, AKA SpellCaster (Mark III – 1988)
Graphic design (Source: in-game credits)

Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games / マリオ&ソニック AT リオオリンピック (3DS – 2016)
Supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Mario & Luigi RPG3 DX / マリオ&ルイージRPG3 DX , AKA Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr’s Journey (3DS – 2018)
Production Management (Source: in-game credits)

NiGHTS into Dreams / ナイツ into dreams… (Saturn – 1996)
Director (Source: in-game credits)
Character design (Nights) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Phantasy Star / ファンタシースター (Mark III – 1987)
Character design: Tyron / Odin (Source: mentioned by Rieko Kodama in a 2003 interview)
Monster design: about one third of them (Source: Untold History of Japanese game developers vol.3)
Graphic design: Tyron / Odin cutscenes (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Phantasy Star II / ファンタシースターII (Mega Drive – 1989)
Graphic design (enemies) (Source: Untold History of Japanese game developers vol.3)

Pinobee no Daibōken: Quest of Heart / ピノビィーの大冒険 Quest of Heart, AKA Pinobee: Wings of Adventure (GBA – 2001)
Director, character design (Source: in-game credits)

Rambo III (Master System – 1988)
Graphic design: in-game illustration(s) (Source: mentioned in an interview published in Sakura Wars Serenade)

Rocky / ロッキー (Mark III – 1987)
Graphic design (Source: mentioned by his colleague Masato Nishimura on Twitter)

Shi no Meikyu: Labyrinth of Death / 死の迷宮, AKA Fatal Labyrinth (Mega Drive – 1990)
Designer (Source: in-game credits)

Sonic Adventure / ソニックアドベンチャー (Dreamcast – 1998)
Story event coordinator, Event motion designers, CG movie producer, Opening movie editor (Source: in-game credits)

Sonic the Hedgehog / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ (Mega Drive – 1991)
Cover art for the Japanese version and European version: line art (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2)
Character Design (Source: in-game credits. color setting)
Manual illustrations (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Promotional illustration: sketch (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Game design (speed and loops), Game system (including the special stages), Graphic design: Sonic, opening and ending illus, Green Hill (with), Spring Yard (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter. animation sketches. ending draft)
Stage concept art (Source: mentioned in an interview published by Beep21)

Sonic the Hedgehog CD / ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグCD (Mega-CD – 1993)
Director (Source: in-game credits)
Cover art for the Japanese version (draft. Finalized by Kazuyuki Hoshino) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)
Character design (Amy, finalized by Kazuyuki Hoshino) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, as well as in an interview)

Sonic 3D: Flickies’ Island (Mega Drive – 1996)
Advisor (Source: in-game credits)

Sonic Jam / ソニック ジャム (Saturn – 1997)
Supervisor (Source: in-game credits)

Sonic Mania / ソニックマニア (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Windows – 2017)
Promotional illustration (Source: mentioned by the official Sonic Twitter account)

Sonic R / ソニックR (Saturn – 1997)
Graphic advisor (Source: in-game credits)

Sonic Spinball / ソニック・スピンボール (Mega Drive – 1993)
JPN cover art (draft) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Space Harrier 3D / スペースハリアー3D (Mark III – 1988)
Art designer (Source: in-game credits)

Super League / スーパーリーグ, AKA Tommy Lasorda Baseball (Mega Drive – 1989)
Graphic design (“Fielder Designer”) (Source: in-game credits)

Super Racing / スーパーレーシング (Mark III – 1988)
Graphic design: title screen (Source: mentioned by Yosuke Okunari on Twitter)

Tataite Hazumu Super Smash Ball Plus / たたいて弾む スーパースマッシュボール・プラス, AKA FlingSmash (Wii – 2010)
Senior producer (Source: in-game credits)

Terra Battle / テラバトル (iOS, Android – 2014)
Character illustrations x2 (Source: in-game credits)

The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood / ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズEXネオブラッド (GBA – 2002)
Art Director (Source: in-game credits)

Vampire Rain / ヴァンパイアレイン (Xbox 360 – 2007, PS3 – 2008)
Producer (Source: in-game credits)

Wii RemoCon Plus Variety / Wiiリモコンプラス バラエティ, AKA Wii Play: Motion (Wii – 2011)
Director (Source: in-game credits)

Yoshi’s Island DS / ヨッシーアイランドDS (DS – 2006)
Senior producer (Source: in-game credits)

Yoshi’s New Island / ヨッシー New アイランド (3DS – 2014)
Development Producer (Source: in-game credits)

Yoshi no Banyuu Inryoku / ヨッシーの万有引力, AKA Yoshi Topsy-Turvy, Yoshi’s Universal Gravitation (GBA – 2004)
Producer (Source: in-game credits)

Untitled fighting game (~1994, unreleased)
Director (Source: mentioned by Yosuke Okunari in several interviews: 1, 2)

Other video game related works

Dreams Come True’s 1990 tour poster
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Harmony (internal newsletter)
Cover illustrations (line art) (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4)

JEF United – soccer team logo (feat. Sonic)
(Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Sega Sonic Cookies
Illustration (Source: mentioned by the artist on Twitter)

Sonic the Hedgehog (anime – 1996)
Supervisor (Source: credited in the anime)

SPEC 7.5 (newsletter)
illustration(s) (Source: signature found on the artwork)

To be confirmed

Irimajiri demo (Dreamcast – 1998)
Designer (Source: )

Terra Wars / テラウォーズ (iOS, Android)
(Source: )

Other video game related works
To be confirmed
Gallery Part 1
Gallery Part 2