
Zavier Leslie CABARGA

Other video game related works

Games (in alphabetical order)

Donkey Kong / ドンキーコング (Arcade - 1981)
Flyer illustration for the US version (Source: featured on the artist's website)

Other video game related works

Authentic Tetris product logo
(Source: featured on the artist's website)

Donkey Kong bubble gum
Packaging illustrations x2 (Source: signature)

Donkey Kong cereal
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist's website)

Tetris 30th anniversary logo
(Source: featured on the artist's website)

Video Games #6 (Magazine)
Cover art (Source: featured on the artist's website)

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong

Authentic Tetris product logo
Authentic Tetris product logo

Donkey Kong bubble gum

Donkey Kong bubble gum
Donkey Kong bubble gum<

Donkey Kong cereal

Donkey Kong cereal
Donkey Kong cereal

Tetris 30th anniversary logo
Tetris 30th anniversary logo

Video Games #6
Video Games #6

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