Gradius Gaiden / グラディウス外伝 (PS1 - 1997)
Cover art (Source: in-game credits + mentioned on the artist's website)
Hyper Olympics in Nagano / ハイパーオリンピック イン ナガノ, AKA Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (PS1 - 1997)
CG illustration (Source: in-game credits)
J. League Jikkyō Winning Eleven 3 / Jリーグ実況ウイニングイレブン3 (PS1 - 1997)
Cover art (Source: mentioned on the artist's website)
untitled CyberAgent game (?)
Backgrounds (Source: mentioned on the artist's website: 1, 2)
Gradius Gaiden
J. League Jikkyō Winning Eleven 3