

Comics artist. Born on June 15, 1941, passed away on April 28, 2022

Other video game related works

Games (in alphabetical order)

American Gladiators (NES - 1991)
Cover art (pencil, ink, with Rudy Nebres) (Source: mentioned by the owner of the original artwork)

Bucky O'Hare / バッキー オヘア (Famicom / NES, Arcade - 1992)
Cover art / Flyer illustration (Source: featured on the artist's Facebook page)

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (2011)
Illustration for the artbook "The Art of Tekken" (Source: credited in the artbook)

Other video game related works

Nintendo ad (~1990)
Super Mario Bros illustration (Source: mentioned by the owner of the original artwork + signature found on the artwork)

American Gladiators
American Gladiators
American Gladiators

Bucky O Hare
Bucky O'Hare

Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Nintendo ad
Nintendo ad

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