


Games (in alphabetical order)

Choplifter / チョップリフター (Arcade, SG-1000 - 1985)
Flyer illustration / Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)

F-16 Fighting Falcon / F-16 ファイティングファルコン, AKA F-16 Fighter (Mark III - 1986)
Cover art for the Japanese version (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Future Spy / フューチャースパイ (Arcade - 1984)
Flyer illustration (Source: signature found on the artwork)

GP World / GPワールド (Arcade, SG-1000 - 1985)
Flyer illustration / Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Star Blazer / スターブレイザー, AKA Galaxy Ranger (Arcade - 1983)
Flyer illustration (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Star Force / スターフォース (Mark III - 1985)
Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)

Zoom 909 / ズーム909 (Arcade - 1982, SG-1000, MSX - 1985)
Flyer illustration / Cover art (Source: signature found on the artwork)


F-16 Fighting Falcon
F-16 Fighting Falcon

Future Spy
Future Spy

GP World
GP World

Star Blazer
Star Blazer

Star Force
Star Force

Zoom 909
Zoom 909

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